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Graded exam sheets (with correction) can be downloaded in one click. Exam sheets differentiation Whenever you run an online exam or a paper-based exam, you can choose the same exam sheets for everyone, or if you want shuffled question & answers. Advanced anti-cheating Time-out per ...
How to useevalboxthe quiz maker MCQ creation and automatic exam grading have never been easier Here below are the main usual steps to create an online exam withevalbox(*) Create a quiz The assessment platformevalboxis an online test maker system that leaves YOU thesmartest part of the evaluati...
the exam sheets are auto-archived in pdf format. Graded exam sheets (with correction) can be downloaded in one click. Exam sheets differentiation Whenever you run an online exam or a paper-based exam, you can choose the same exam sheets for everyone, or if you want shuffled question & ans...