Examens blancs illimités, chronométrés et avec lecture des questions à voix haute Base de 750 questions 190 tests de validation des compétences 35 séries thématiques Fiches de révision Corrigés commentés Jeux d'apprentissage VHF virtuelle ...
the exam sheets are auto-archived in pdf format. Graded exam sheets (with correction) can be downloaded in one click. Exam sheets differentiation Whenever you run an online exam or a paper-based exam, you can choose the same exam sheets for everyone, or if you want shuffled question & ...
How to useevalboxthe quiz maker MCQ creation and automatic exam grading have never been easier Here below are the main usual steps to create an online exam withevalbox(*) Create a quiz The assessment platformevalboxis an online test maker system that leaves YOU thesmartest part of the evaluati...
the exam sheets are auto-archived in pdf format. Graded exam sheets (with correction) can be downloaded in one click. Exam sheets differentiation Whenever you run an online exam or a paper-based exam, you can choose the same exam sheets for everyone, or if you want shuffled question & ans...