caseNo、testPoint分别与案例管理系统的案例编号、案例标题对应,方便后续同步执行结果。 preResult为响应报文断言,目前支持jsonpath、包含断言、不包含断言。 YorN为案例执行标志,Y表示执行。 tableCheck为数据库断言标志,Y表示进行数据库断言。 其他字段为接口入参,目前支持以下五种供数方式。 (1)自定义函数供数。引用...
用例文件名称与测试类名一致,比如开户的测试类名为OpenAcc,则用例文件名为OpenAcc.xls,用例模板由以下几部分组成。 caseNo、testPoint分别与案例管理系统的案例编号、案例标题对应,方便后续同步执行结果。 preResult为响应报文断言,目前支持jsonpath、包含断言、不包含断言。 YorN为案例执行标志,Y表示执行。 tableCheck为...
II. Product Functions 1.The device adopts the technology of voltage regulator to make the location of point more fast and accurate 2.The device has a qualitative improvement in the measuring speed of multiple current transformers, and can measure 12 current ...
6. UIMaps: These will contain your test object repository along with any test methods or assertions (if any) 7. Main Class file: One class that acts as a single point interface to all the test methods and contains instantiations of the UI maps ☐With...
The final source of dificulty (6) is that CG results fom non-standard ways of thinking language (7) and linguistic investigation. In particular, it departs awey from tradition (8) by viewing meaning as the starting point for analyzing grammar. and ...
e-第五列Point(测点),填写通道接的传感器对应的测点名称,默认是point1到Pointn,但是我们根据需要,可以手工任意填写覆盖或者导入几何建模里的点的名称来覆盖(具体操作见后文)。f-第六列Direction(方向),填写传感器测的物理量在测点所处的预先定义好了的空 13、间坐标中的方向,可以选择XYZ等常规方向或者S(标量,...
Ah... I was just using your branch (, didn't add the library. Do you remember where you have it? I remember setting it up before but that was a long while back!
second. The floating-point computing peak includes the theoretical peak and test peak. The theoretical floating-point computing peak is the maximum FLOPS that a computer can theoretically achieve, which is determined mainly by the CPU frequency. ...
Why we pause here is not important in this case, but once we are no longer on-resonance, the importance of pausing at this point becomes apparent. If we wait an additional τ of the same length, the 13CHα and 13CHβ vectors will refocus along the −y-axis. Now turning on the ...
ChoiceAiscorrect.inearequationy=kx+4isinslope-interceptform, andsotheslopeofthelineisk.Sincethelinecontainsthepoint(c,d),the coordinatesofthispointsatisfytheequationy=kx+4:d=kc+4.Solving d−4 _ thisequationfortheslope,k,givesk=c. ChoicesB,C,andDareincorrectandmaybetheresultoferrorsinsubsti-...