在Exchange Server 2010 客户端访问服务器上以外部模式运行 Test-OwaConnectivity 和Test-EcpConnectivity cmdlet 时,cmdlet 会首先尝试测试 Exchange Server 2013 服务器。 但是,cmdlet 测试失败。原因出现此问题的原因是 Test-OwaConnectivity 外部模式下的 cmdlet Test-EcpConnectivity 无法成功登录到 Exchange Server ...
Microsoft Exchange 统一消息工作进程 (UMWorkerProcess.exe) 无法启动 由于配置文件错误,Microsoft Exchange 统一消息服务无法初始化 性能报告 文件分发服务(统一消息) 服务监视(统一消息) UM 连接 UM 连接 无法执行 Test-UMConnectivity(远程语音)诊断 cmdlet ...
この問題は、外部モードのTest-OwaConnectivityコマンドレットとTest-EcpConnectivityコマンドレットがExchange Server 2013 サーバーに正常にサインインできないために発生します。 回避策 この問題を回避するには、Exchange Server 2010 クライアント アクセス サーバーで お...
Test-UMConnectivity 参考 反馈 模块: ExchangePowerShell 适用于: Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016 此cmdlet 仅适用于本地 Exchange。 使用Test-UMConnectivity cmdlet 测试统一消息 (UM) 服务器的操作。 注意:此 cmdlet 在 Exchange 2010 中效果最佳。 在 Exchange 的更高...
Test DirectAccess connectivity from the Internet through 2-EDGE1Connect 2-EDGE1 to the Internet network. Unplug EDGE1 from the Internet network. On CLIENT1, open an elevated Windows PowerShell window. In the Windows PowerShell window, type ipconfig /flushdns and press ENTER. ...
Those two cipher suites are required by the connectivity test tool service. 3. is .NET Desktop Runtime 6 installed on the machine? This shouldn't be the reason for the SSL connection failure but I see the exception code0xe0434352 in the crash log you provided in the comment on May 21st...
1. Are you using a proxy to connect to the Internet? 2. Could you please try downloading the standalone connectivity test tool to see if we could get the whole error message? It works quite similarly to the desktop application but in a console. ...
Microsoft ODBC Test is an ODBC-enabled application that you can use to test ODBC drivers and the ODBC Driver Manager. ODBC Test is included as part of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 Software Development Kit.ODBC 3.51 includes both ANSI and Unicode-enabled versions of ODBC ...
The Test-OwaConnectivity cmdlet can be run as a one-time interactive task or as a scheduled task under Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 control. To run the Test-OwaConnectivity cmdlet as a System Center Operations Manager 2007 task, the Client Access test mailbox must be available...
The Test-OwaConnectivity cmdlet can be used to test Outlook Web Access connectivity for all Microsoft Exchange 2007 virtual directories on a specified Client Access server for all mailboxes on Exchange 2007 servers that are in the same Active Directory site. Test-OwaConnectivity can also be used ...