Did you know that, instead of using Telnet to test SMTP connectivity, you can use the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer athttps://testconnectivity.microsoft.com/? With the Remote Connectivity Analyzer, you can choose the connectivity test you want to do, in this caseInbound SMTP Email, an...
この問題は、外部モードのTest-OwaConnectivityコマンドレットとTest-EcpConnectivityコマンドレットがExchange Server 2013 サーバーに正常にサインインできないために発生します。 回避策 この問題を回避するには、Exchange Server 2010 クライアント アクセス サーバーで お...
Those two cipher suites are required by the connectivity test tool service. 3. is .NET Desktop Runtime 6 installed on the machine? This shouldn't be the reason for the SSL connection failure but I see the exception code0xe0434352 in the crash log you provided in the comment on May 21st...
1. Is TLS 1.2 protocol disabled on your machine? M365 connectivity test tool service requires TLS 1.2 to establish SSL connections. You may check that on your registry editor to see if it's disabled. You could search "Registry Editor" in the taskbar and open it, then navigate to the fol...
Configure VMs Start virtual machines and configure all services and settings. 60 minutes Appendix A: Verify the configuration Verify and troubleshoot network connectivity and services in the PoC environment. 30 minutes Appendix B: Terminology in this guide Terms used in this guide. InformationalHardware...
在Exchange Server 2010 客户端访问服务器上以外部模式运行 Test-OwaConnectivity 和Test-EcpConnectivity cmdlet 时,cmdlet 会首先尝试测试 Exchange Server 2013 服务器。 但是,cmdlet 测试失败。原因出现此问题的原因是 Test-OwaConnectivity 外部模式下的 cmdlet Test-EcpConnectivity 无法成功登录到 Exchange Server ...
Test-ImapConnectivity cmdlet 通过连接到指定的邮箱、指定的 Exchange 服务器或本地 Active Directory 站点中可用的所有 Exchange 服务器来测试 IMAP4 连接。 首次使用此 cmdlet 时,您可能需要创建一个测试用户。 若要创建测试用户,请运行以下命令: & $env:ExchangeInstallPath\Scripts\New-TestCasConnectivityUser...
Test-OwaConnectivity和Test-ECPConnectivity cmdlet 在 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 中随机失败,你会收到以下错误消息: 任务无法使用 user <domainename>\extest_<id> 登录。 运行 Scripts\new-TestCasConnectivityUser.ps1,验证邮箱服务器 <服务器名称上是否存在用户> 备注 Microsoft Exchange 管理包定期...
Use the Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity cmdlet to test connectivity to Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync virtual directories. Note: This cmdlet works best in Exchange 2010. In later versions of Exchange, the functionality of this cmdlet has been replaced by Managed Availability. For the best results, use the...
The Test-WebServicesConnectivity cmdlet tests Exchange Web Services connectivity by connecting to a specified Exchange Web Services virtual directory, to any Exchange Web Services virtual directories on a specified Exchange server, or to any Exchange Web Services virtual directories that are available in...