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for i in `seq 1 50`; do j=`expr $i + 1` ssw_test -a matrices/blosum62.mat -o 2 -e 2 tests/data$i.fasta tests/data$j.fasta >& all grep -inr "optimal_alignment_score" all >& score cut -f1 -d$'\t' score >& optimal cut -f2 -d" " optimal >& ssw_quantified #print...
The finite element (FE) method is introduced to simulate vehicle braking distance for skid-resistance evaluation. The results show that skid resistance attenuation of SMA pavement consists of two stages: In the first stage, the skid resistance of SMA pavement experiences a short enhancement, ...
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While there will be no formal requirement to devote more of the timetable to maths , Coalition sources said the extensive maths GCSE - combined with more weighting for the subject in league tables - was likely to encourage schools to provide extra teaching . The syllabus will place a greater...