Test bias occurs when systemic flaws in test design, administration, or scoring of a test. Discover effective solutions to minimize biases.
It is claimed that there is a need to carry out an examination of F -test bias for experimental designs in education and psychology which will utilize the method and, where appropriate, the known' results of this new branch of variance analysis. In the present paper, such an investigation ...
Test bias includes cultural bias. This article illustrates it with some evidence collected from CET6 model tests. The implication is that in test development, the interaction/ability approach is preferable. Meanwhile, the input of cultural content is to be stressed in the process of foreign ...
Moreover, the application of three internal criteria for bias yielded totally negative results; thus, there was no evidence of either sex differences or sex bias in the data.关键词:Kindergarten Children Primary Education Sex Bias Sex Differences Test Bias ...
aBias—At the time of the study, where was no accepted reference material utilized for determining the bias for this test method, therefore no statement on bias is being made. 偏心在研究的时期,不是为确定偏心运用的被接受的参考资料为这个测试方法,因此关于偏心的声明没有被做。[translate]...
(Education) (in the US) Scholastic Aptitude Test Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 sat (sæt) v. a pt. and pp. ofsit. ...
Test bias refers to the systematic under- or overprediction of a particular trait or status based upon one’s group membership. Groups may include individuals of different races, ethnicities, genders, and socioeconomic statuses. A test may be considered biased because it was not developed using ...
When subsets of the larger battery were examined, sex bias in prediction was seen, indicating significant underprediction of female performance in some achievement areas. However, the magnitude of the effect was small. 展开 关键词: Achievement Tests Analysis of Variance Multiple Regression Analysis ...
Evidence was generally absent that Anglo examiners display bias in black-Anglo, gender, or SES comparisons. However, consistent differences were noted between Latino and Anglo children. Examiners tended to rate Latinos as displaying better test behaviors than Anglos when children's IQs were below ...
First, a more general theoretical framework from research on test bias has been recently applied to the domain of test administration effects, namely the concept of stereotype threat. Situations in which stereotypes negatively affect the target person may lead to stereotype threat, an impairment of ...