Bias in higher educationExplores the issue of bias in instructors toward different student groups. Sexual bias; Racial bias.Journal of Developmental Education
Learn about implicit bias in education. Discover what educational bias is, learn about the effects of implicit bias in education, and see...
Education is correlated with cognitive status assessment. Concern for test bias has led to questions of equivalent construct validity across education groups. Following the work of previous researchers, we submitted Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) responses to external validation analyses. Subjects we...
Bias is a predisposition or inclination towards or against something or someone, often unconscious, while discrimination involves acting on bias, resulting in unfair treatment based on personal characteristics.
education,politicsandhealththantheUnited States,accordingtotheWorldEconomicForum. Weare68thintheworldinwomen's participationinnationallegislatures.On average,awomanworkingfulltimeand year-roundstillmakesonly77centstoaman's dollar.Womenhold98percentofthelow-paying "women's"jobsandfewerthan15percentof theboard...
This paper asks whether there is a boy bias in household-level education expenditure for households with children aged 5 to 19 years old in Andhra Pradesh in India, based on Round 2 of the Young Lives survey conducted in 2006. The sample contains 982 households comprising 2578 children. The ...
International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IJBIDE): 2379-7363, 2379-7355: Education Journals
Almost a decade into my education career, I cannot fathom a reason that any teacher should cover the election in their classes. Considering this argument first in a microcosm — the individual tutor and student — will bring clarity to the interests and ethics involved. Tutors receive payment to...
A. (1992). College students’ views of male and female college teachers: Part I : Evidence from the social laboratory and experiments. Research in Higher Education, 33, 317–375. Retrieved from Feldman, K. A. (1993). College students’ views of ...
This year, for the first time since graduation some two decades ago, I did not donate to either of my alma maters. Like many of you, I have become disillusioned with the illiberalism on many college campuses and could no longer support them with an annual gift. While higher education has...