The TESOL International Journal is a refereed publication which aims at providing free on-line access to all those involved in the research, teaching and learning of of English as an International Language. It has as its central theme of global EFL studies. Our focus is wide and submissions ma...
Journal of Law, Language and Discourse The International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse (IJLLD) is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural peer-reviewed scholarly journal, integrating academic areas of law, linguistics, discourse analysis, psychology and 0...
5,TESOL International Journal Established in 2007 and indexed in SCOPUS, TESOL International Journal is a unique journal for language educators in that it is devoted to discussions on English 6,Journal of English as International Language Indexed in Scopus, The Journal of English as an International...
4,Linguistics Journal Indexed in MLA, The Linguistics Journal is the scientific study of language, as such it is comprised of the study of the structure and development of a particular language 5,TESOL International Journal Established in 2007 and indexed in SCOPUS, TESOL International Journal is ...
美国TESOL项目的产生背景及发展现状:1966年在维吉尼亚州应运而生 20世纪60年代,随着美国国际影响力的不断提升和全世界英语学习者的日益增加,美国TESOL国际英语教师协会(TESOL International Association)于1966年在美国维吉尼亚州亚历山大市应运而生。TESOL国际英语教师协会是面向教授母语为其他语言学生的英语教师组织,是...
20世纪60年代,随着美国国际影响力的不断提升和全世界英语学习者的日益增加,美国TESOL国际英语教师协会(TESOL International Association)于1966年在美国维吉尼亚州亚历山大市应运而生。TESOL国际英语教师协会是面向教授母语为其他语言学生的英语教师组织...
4,Linguistics Journal Indexed in MLA, The Linguistics Journal is the scientific study of language, as such it is comprised of the study of the structure and development of a particular language 5,TESOL International Journal Established in 2007 and indexed in SCO...
答:暂时先不提供,这个分申请international journal是够的,tesol还差点。均分7小分6就行~小分没有要求到7的[捂脸] 就是tesol写作要7~可以争取一下,看看高分作文,我觉得逻辑各方面都挺好的~如果实在不行到时候可以推迟或语言班 作者最新文章 澳洲留学到底选翻译、语言学还是TESOL?答案是…… 想就业,学采矿!澳洲...
提问:我考的是总分6.5,小分最低6,tesol是不是要7呀… 答:暂时先不提供,这个分申请international journal是够的,tesol还差点。均分7小分6就行~小分没有要求到7的[捂脸] 就是tesol写作要7~可以争取一下,看看高分作文,我觉得逻辑各方面都挺好的~如果实在不行到时候可以推迟或语言班~...
College ESL: A Journal of Theory & Practice in the Teaching of English as a Second Language Composition Studies Computer Assisted Language Learning (UK) Computers and Composition: An International Journal for Teachers of Writing ELT Journal (UK) ...