Model 3 專為發揮高效純電動力性能而設計,具有雙馬達全輪驅動、極佳加速性能、長續航里程和快速充電等特色。
[已过期]Tesla 涨价第二波 Model 3 $40,240起 Model Y $47,490 S/X涨$1,000 送3年免费超充 TESLA Model S3XY 全系车型减价优惠,同时Model 3P和Y还可享政府税收补贴$7,500 Modle 3 RWD 标准续航后驱版可享政府税收补贴$3,750,抵税门槛$55,000 ...
2024年4月30日最新消息:Model 3 同 Model Y 所有型號再次減價,另外 Tesla Model 3 Performance 亦正式開賣,以一換一售價計算,意向價為 HK$396,880。 9月1日最新消息:Model 3 改版 Project Highland 已於澳門及中國推出!澳門及內地都預計會於本年第四季交車。全新改動包括: - 新車車頭及尾燈都經全新設計 -...
I just purchased my Model 3P on Monday, and today the price drop. Technically, I am within the 7 day return period. I would hate to do that. Does anyone know what’s been done in the past for people who bought just before the price drop? Refund of $2000? Tesla store credit? I...
According to a latest post by Tesla China's official Weibo account, the price of Tesla Model 3 and Model Y for sale on the mainland will be adjusted to a starting price of 265,900 yuan (US$36,677) for the form...
Shifting all sales online, combined with other ongoing cost efficiencies, will enable us to lower all vehicle prices by about 6% on average, allowing us to achieve the $35,000 Model 3 price point earlier than we expected. Over the next few months, we will be winding down many of our sto...
TESLA 特斯拉 Model 3 23款 606km 后轮驱动焕新版 值法 行业标杆特斯拉三电系统被视为行业标杆。 环保生活纯电动,节能环保。 商品介绍完善信息 新款Model 3提供标准续航升级版和Performance 高性能版两个版本可供选择。 动力方面,新款Model 3标准续航升级版采用单电机后置,后轮驱动,最大功率202千瓦马力,峰值扭矩404牛...
Tesla Initiates 2024 Price War in China, Cutting Prices even on New Model 3 BEIJING, January 12 (TMTPost)— Tesla, Inc. Is initiating the year 2024 with a new round of price war in China, cutting prices even on its recently updated version of Model 3 sedan.Credit:Tesla China Tesla has...
The recent price drops stick with the updated Model 3 too; £39,990 for entry car, another £5k for the Long Range RWD, £5k more to add the extra motor and topping out at a sniff under £60k for the Performance car. So what is the refreshed Model 3 like to live with?