Range (EPA est.) AWD Dual Motor Order NowExperience Model 3 Built for Distance Go up to 363 miles (EPA est.) on a single charge with updated exterior styling optimized for maximum aerodynamics. Two New Colors Stealth Grey and Ultra Red are designed to change with the light and viewing ang...
Tesla(TSLA.US)再于美国减价 入门版Model 3减至不足4万美元 来源:富途牛牛综合 Tesla(TSLA.US)本月第二度在美國減價,最便宜的車型Model 3 Standard Range RWD售價從41,990美元減至39,990美元,而Model 3 Performance的售價則保持不變。Tesla亦將Model Y系列的售價下降3,000至6,000美元,Model Y AWD從49,...
[已过期]Tesla 涨价第二波 Model 3 $40,240起 Model Y $47,490 S/X涨$1,000 送3年免费超充 TESLA Model S3XY 全系车型减价优惠,同时Model 3P和Y还可享政府税收补贴$7,500 Modle 3 RWD 标准续航后驱版可享政府税收补贴$3,750,抵税门槛$55,000 ...
It previously started a price war, having regularly modified the price of its electric vehicles since the start of this year. Musk has also said the company was willing to sacrifice margin for sales volume but was al...
Tesla(TSLA.US)本月第二度在美國減價,最便宜的車型Model 3 Standard Range RWD售價從41,990美元減至39,990美元,而Model 3 Performance的售價則保持不變。 Tesla亦將Model Y系列的售價下降3,000至6,000美元,Model Y AWD從49,990美元降至43,990美元;Model Y Long Range及Model Y Performance亦分別減至49,990...
Tesla 发布35,000美元 Model 3 我们非常兴奋地宣布拥有220英里(注:约350公里,此处为EPA 测试标准续航里程)续航、最高车速130英里/小时(约210公里/小时),并且0—60英里/小时的加速时间为5.6秒的标准版Model 3车型正式在美国市场开始发售,起售价为35,000美元。尽管这款车的价格更低,但它仍然可以达到与长续航版...
BEIJING, January 12 (TMTPost)— Tesla, Inc. Is initiating the year 2024 with a new round of price war in China, cutting prices even on its recently updated version of Model 3 sedan.Credit:Tesla China Tesla has lowered prices on all the variants of new model 3 and two versions of ...
Tesla 美国官网 Model 3 , Y 均涨价 500 美元。 Model 3 标准版最新价格 39990 美元。 中国本次是否还会跟进呢[嘘] #美国特斯拉Model3再次涨价##特斯拉#
2018 Tesla Model 3 Performance specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times, price, top speed, engine specifications, pictures, updated January 2025.