Model S is built for speed and range, with beyond ludicrous acceleration, unparalleled performance and a refined design.
Model S is built for speed and range, with beyond ludicrous acceleration, unparalleled performance and a refined design.
Tesla Model S 100D是特斯拉品牌旗下的汽车。车型概况 凤凰科技讯 北京时间2017年1月21日消息,据《华尔街日报》网络版报道,特斯拉汽车已经将新版Model S的单次充电续航里程提高到了335英里(约合539公里),扩大了公司在纯电动汽车领域的领先优势。新版Model S车型——100D。它配备100千瓦时电池组,单次充电的续航...
特斯拉与传统四轮驱动系统相较,双马达Model S 是一项突破性改革。车身前后各搭载一台马达,使Model S 能够分别对前后转速进行数位式独立控制,进而实现在各种条件下无与伦比的循迹控制。 传统全轮驱动车辆采用复杂的机械连结将动力从单一引擎分配给四个车轮。只有Tesla 具备优异技术能透过双马达同时对前后轮提供独立的驱...
Tesla Model S 100%正面碰撞测试 Tesla Model S 27°角侧面碰撞测试 Tesla Model S 75°角柱状碰撞测试 首先需要提及的是Tesla及同类电动车,单从碰撞角度而言具有自己的优势。电动车往往将最吃重的电池组平置于底盘中部,这不仅增重了车辆的整备质量,也大大降低了重心。从Tesla100%正面碰撞测试视频中可以看出,在碰...
Tesla Model S Update 2016 Data Check the official documentation for items listed here to be sure and in case of changes. Battery voltage: 375 V Battery cells: Li-ionPanasonic 18650A NCA cells Battery weight: 1200 lb/540 kg (85 kWh) ...
S车主新增里程套件服务升级至100 KWh版本的,100 KWh版本的Model S不是90 KWh版本的电池机械叠加,而是...
The Tesla S is for a start quite luxurious, which you would expect with the price of the top of the line model tested, which with all the options being an eye-watering $273,132 ($236,100 without options) while the "base" model S starts at $117,000. The P100D has the highest ...