最后,再说下它的电池水冷设计。从structure battery 来看,Semi也应该采用蛇形水管的侧冷却,设计与Model 3/Y类似,这个没有什么新的看点。小结:结合特斯拉近期的产品披露来看,从Powerwall 的CTP ,到structure battery,再到Model S Plaid 的大模组方案,特斯拉在semi上的很有可能是4680的CTP设计,这其实是特斯拉新...
4680电池+CTC底盘+前后一体压铸成型车身的modely来了,在德州超级工厂正式量产#特斯拉 #特斯拉modely #4680电池 1956 -- 17:24 App 拆解Tesla Model Y 4680电池包的结构-第一部分 1797 -- 0:42 App 4680电池结构爆炸图 1.6万 38 10:30 App [右手网出品]特斯拉4680电池原理和黑科技介绍-无极耳,干电极,硅...
从structure battery 来看,Semi也应该采用蛇形水管的侧冷却,设计与Model 3/Y类似,这个没有什么新的看点。 小结:结合特斯拉近期的产品披露来看,从Powerwall 的CTP ,到structure battery,再到Model S Plaid 的大模组方案,特斯拉在semi上的很有可能是4680的CTP设计,这其实是特斯拉新一代电池平台共性技术的3种不同方案...
从structure battery 来看,Semi也应该采用蛇形水管的侧冷却,设计与Model 3/Y类似,这个没有什么新的看点。 小结: 结合特斯拉近期的产品披露来看,从Powerwall 的CTP ,到structure battery,再到Model SPlaid 的大模组方案,特斯拉在semi上的很有可能是4680的CTP设计,这其实是特斯拉新一代电池平台共性技术的3种不同方案。
回复@平和宁境: Tesla在北美的4680电池产能明确规划的有德克萨斯工厂100GWh(4条线)、内华达工厂100GWh。国内设备商目前应该都还没拿到订单。Tesla财报好像提到今年Q3要扩建3条线。//@平和宁境:两点,第一,原来给TSL供货,也是小打小闹,订单价值很小,TSL肯定有比现在这个大的多的订单,有可能中国企业包括赢合都没拿到...
“HFS”) exoskeleton construction, accompanied by substantial aluminum castings and a structural battery pack, components that contribute to its unparalleled durability. Cammisa offers a firsthand account of witnessing a live side-impact crash test at Tesla’s Crash Lab, showcasing the truck’...
Attendees were invited to view the Cybertruck, tour the facility, and hear some of the latest news on Tesla’s battery production. News included Tesla’s new 4680 battery cell manufacturing and the event was the first time that Tesla demonstrated and mass-produced new 4680 batteries. Listen to...
to reduce costs by streamlining the manufacturing process. A new approach to the assembly is figuring out how to get more efficiency with less, and that includes use of its larger and more efficient 4680 cylindrical battery and potentially the 48-volt architecture carried over from the Cyb...
Q:4680电池的进展与应用 A:半成品不使用4680s,Giga Texas生产的Y型车是4680型,4680的产出正在成倍增长。 Q:三大人工智能商业的可成功性。 A:完全自动驾驶将实现,Optimus如果拥有足够的时间,也将100%获得成功。围绕Dojo的问题可能更多,但Dojo的架构是正确的。
In 2014, we made a commitment to invest $3.5 billion in Nevada with our first Gigafactory. Our goal was to build a facility capable of producing 35 GWh of battery cells annually—enough to manufacture about 500,000 vehicles per year.