TheGuidewill appear upon starting a new world, and if killed, he will require a House in order to respawn. TheOld Man, theTraveling Merchant, and theSkeleton Merchantdo not require Houses. Similarly, theGuide,Angler,Goblin Tinkerer,Tavernkeep,Mechanic,Stylist,Wizard,Tax Collector, andGolferwill...
Guide Terraria NPCs list and moving in requirements How many NPCs are in Terraria? July 10, 2020 Dave Irwin Guide How to make a bed in Terraria to set your respawn point How to make a sawmill June 16, 2020 Dave Irwin News Terraria's massive final update, Journey's End, ...
The Merchant is an NPC vendor that will spawn once the following conditions have been met: There is an empty House. All players in the game world have more than 50 between them in their inventories. He will also spawn as the starter NPC instead of the Gu
The map can be toggled using tab, m, or through the map icons 地图可以用tab键、m键或者通过地图相关图标来切换 “M” has been remapped for the map feature “M”重新为地图特性标记 “J” is now the default button for mana use “J”现在是魔法使用的默认键位 ...
You stay dead longer before being able to respawn during boss fights. 在boss战中,你在能够重生之前会保持死亡状态更长时间。 Boss health scales in multiplayer depending on the number of players. 在多人游戏中,boss的生命值会依据玩家数量增加。 Weaker enemies gain increased stats as the players progre...
Respawn time is longer when dead. Boss health scales based on the amount of players in a game. Monsters can now spawn in safe locations, albeit rarely. Pots now contain more loot. Ice creatures can freeze you with attacks. Quest rewards grant more money. Bats can now apply Feral Bite. ...
The game will no longer look for the square root of zero.游戏不再寻找零的平方根Projectiles and harpoon should no longer cause out of memory exception弹幕和鱼叉链枪不再会导致内存溢出异常The guide will no longer say you need a hammer to break life crystals向导不再会说你需要一把锤子来破坏生命...
The Angler is one of the few town NPCs that can be obtained regardless of the current stage of game progression (others being the Guide, Stylist, and Golfer). The Sleeping Angler spawns randomly, like the other bound NPCs. It is not guaranteed that he will initially spawn on either shore...
He will, however, move into the first house built. If he is killed, a proper house will need to be built before he can respawn, but has no additional requirements. On the PC, Console, Mobile, Old Chinese, tModLoader, and tModLoader Legacy versions, the Guide will defend himself ...
They will respawn, but not immediately -- if they have a required item for you to carry, you will need to carry it again for them to respawn. (Rescued NPCs will stay rescued, and just respawn.) In general you should always have a spare house or two available in case you happen to ...