Similarly, theGuide,Angler,Goblin Tinkerer,Tavernkeep,Mechanic,Stylist,Wizard,Tax Collector, andGolferwill each make their initial appearances regardless of available housing. Once initially found, each will require a suitable House before respawning. ...
Fixed rare "character not respawning" under certain circumstances. 修复了在特定情况下罕见的“角色不会重生”。 Fixed background drawing through completely unlit walls in hell. 修复了地狱里通过完全没有照明的墙壁绘制背景。 Fixed solar pickaxe using a bad glowmask. 修复了日耀镐用糟糕的发光面。 Fixed...
修复了 an issue where NPCs who were safe inside of their homes would start to panic and run outside if an enemy got near the house (looking at the Guide) 修复了 an issue where Tax Collector fell out of the bottom of the map but didn’t die 修复了 an issue where NPCs could not te...
The Guide and Old Man are unique in that they always spawn upon creating a world. The Old Man is not a town NPC and will not move into a house, but rather remain near his spawn point, near the Dungeon's entrance, and respawn there the following day if killed (while Skeletron has no...
The Goblin Army (also known as the Goblin Invasion) is an event when unique Goblin enemies spawn in waves. A Goblin Invasion has a random chance of occurring at any particular dawn, if the criteria stated below are met. It can also be triggered manually
NPCs de cidade geralmente andam por aí durante odia. Eles ficam parados em suas respectivas casas à noite e duranteeventos. NPCs têmvidalimitada e podem levardano, e finalmentemorrerde inimigos,armadilhas,lava, ouseafogandonaágua; apesar que eles não possam ser atacados diretamente por...