Unlike Minecraft, where combat feels like an afterthought, it was very much thought of here. The amount of gear in the game is just insane: Jet boots, grappling hooks, machine guns, speed boosters, meteor-summoning swords...just to name a few! It always feels like there's always somethin...
Lava Slimes no longer spawn lava when killed. 岩浆史莱姆被杀时不再生成岩浆。 Meteor Heads now move much slower but do a lot more damage. 陨石怪现在移动慢很多但会造成更多的伤害。 Bone Serpents now have a new death sound, and their hit-box has been fixed. 骨蛇现在有了新的死亡声音,他们的...
Changed meteor spawns so that they can no longer fall on the Cultists worship spot, preventing them from spawning Improved “Cultist Spawn Zone” functionality to remove some rare situations where minor variations of the Dungeon’s entrance would prevent the Cultists from spawning 修复了 a rare ...
Water bolt has been redesigned and does slightly more damage 重新设计了水箭魔法书,并造成稍微多一点的伤害 Vilethorn does more damage and uses less mana 邪恶荆棘造成更多伤害,使用更少的魔法 Magic Daggers have been buffed 加强了魔法飞刀 All of the old classic armors can be found as rare drops ...
You no longer take fall damage while on Bunny Mount. 你在兔子坐骑时不再会受到掉落伤害。 Copper, Iron, Silver, and Gold have all been given new ore textures. 铜、铁、银和金都有了新的矿石纹理。 The Axe now has a 1 in 50 chance to drop from Plantera, down from 1 in 200. 电音吉他斧...
you to not spawn without breaking through blocks you will now get a message when trying to set your spawn point letting you know the bed is not in a suitable position.如果你把床放在某个地方,导致你在不破坏方块的情况下无法生成,你现在会在尝试设置生成点时收到一条消息,让你知道床不在合适的...
When combined with the general scarcity of weapons and the need to survive, there is little point to sticking to a "class" this early on. For these reasons, players are recommended to make use of whatever they can get their hands on. (Note that Shadewood and Ebonwood are the best ...
Meteor Shot Internal Item ID: 234 8 /9 3 2 1 (Extremely weak) ❌ 1 Silver Bullet Internal Item ID: 278 9 4.5 2 3 (Very weak) ❌ 3 Crystal Bullet Internal Item ID: 515 9 /8 5 2 1 (Extremely weak) Creates crystal shards on impact ✔️ 6 Cursed Bullet Internal ...
Fallschaden Gesundheit Gesundheitsregeneration Mana Schadensreduktion Tod Kampfmechaniken Angriffsgeschwindigkeit Autoschwingen Kritischer Treffer Projektilgeschwindigkeit Rückstoß Schaden Gegenstands-Mechaniken Benutzungsgeschwindigkeit Grabgeschwindigkeit Platzierung Seltenheit ...
For some armors (such as Meteor armor), the trails will reflect the color of the dye. This means that if the player has Blue Dye, Pink Dye, and Yellow Dye on an armor, it will split to where it shows trails of the three colors. Oddly, there is no "White Dye", however, Bright ...