Combine them to make a Cloud in a Balloon.) 如果你找到魔镜,可以用它传送回你的生成点。(If you find a Magic Mirror, you can use it to teleport back to your spawn point.) 你可以用锤或爆炸物来摧毁暗影珠和猩红之心,但要准备应对它们释放的力量。(You can destroy Shadow Orbs and Crimson ...
You can now craft Jester Arrows你现在可以制造小丑之箭There are 12 new wing types有了12种新的翅膀类型There are several new vanity sets有了几个新的时装套装There are a lot of new rare drops added to enemies给敌人添加了很多新的稀有掉落物You can now craft stained glass你现在可以制造染色玻璃There...
plenty of reasons to hunt down those monsters anyway. Of course if monster-slaying isn't your thing you can just focus on exploring and resource gathering to build that awesome mansion you want. That's really the beauty of Terraria. It's up to you how you play it. To make things ...
Actuators can be used to make any solid tile active and inactive 驱动器可让任何固体块处于激活和不激活状态 There is 1 new liquid type that can be found in the Jungle 有1种新的液体类型可在丛林找到 There are several new fountains that will change the color of water when they are place near...
修复了 an issue where you could actuate falling blocks, make the block fall, and then place furniture on top of those spots and it would partially actuate as well 修复了 an issue with falling blocks floating in the air in multiplayer 修复了 an issue where Marble blocks actually merged with...
Workbenches are no longer needed to make wooden platforms. 制作木制平台不再需要工作台。 Goggles now only provide 1 defense, but they no longer require iron to create 护目镜现在只提供1点防御,但制作时不再需要铁。 Rebalanced armor recipes. Helmets are not the least expensive to craft. ...
* Vines that refused to grow longer than 1 tile in length while underwater, will now grow correctly. *藤蔓在水下拒绝生长1格长,现在会正确地生长了。 * Pot graphic was brightened to make it more visible. *罐子的贴图变得更明亮,变得更可视化了。 * Plants growing out of a clay pot can no ...
Some are even known to sell unique items to those that can find them. Find a cool new Material? Want to know what you can make? Check with your friendly neighborhood Guide! Have some NPCs perished? Don't worry, they'll be back in the morning....
Terraria Wiki 探索 首页 所有页面 交互式地图 基础 物品 武器 工具 盔甲 配饰 药水 矿石 家具 物块 背景墙 时装物品 角色 NPC 敌怪 Boss 小动物 宠物 仆从 生物群落 事件 游戏玩法 困难模式 经典模式 专家模式 大师模式 旅行模式 多人模式 机制 制作 房屋 增益 怪物图鉴 成就 钓鱼 修饰语 指南...
When combined with the general scarcity of weapons and the need to survive, there is little point to sticking to a "class" this early on. For these reasons, players are recommended to make use of whatever they can get their hands on. (Note that Shadewood and Ebonwood are the best ...