When practical, bring two of the item to be reforged: Reforge one until the modifier is decent, then swap and reforge the other until the modifier is better. That way, if you run out of money, you aren't stuck with a bad modifier. ...
version Old Lady Old Lady pet Old Man Old Man/cs Old Man/nl Old Miner Old One's Army Old One's Army/row Old One's Army/wave Old One's Skeleton Old One's Skeleton Banner Old Shoe Old Stone Wall Old Walking Stick Old Woman Old man Omega Banner Ominous Presence Omnitool On Fire!
钛金镐是一把困难模式的镐,是钛金钻头的镐版本替换物,其挖矿速度较慢但范围较长,并且能受益于挖矿速度奖励。其代用矿石对应物,精金镐,要比钛金镐稍弱一点。 它可以采挖除了叶绿矿和丛林蜥蜴砖外的所有物块。 Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to
流星锤斧是一把锤斧,即锤和斧头的组合,并且是玩家能获得的第一个锤斧。组合这些功能很方便,但并不是游戏推进所必不可少的。 Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to provide a better speed boost by percentages, rounding reveals that Legendary an
掘墓者铲子是一件工具,它能够比镐或钻头更高效地挖掘“柔软”物块(见下方),其挖掘范围为以光标为中心 3×3 图格的方形。 它挖掘每个“柔软”物块需要 2 次敲击,所有挖掘范围内的物块会同时被挖掘。 Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to provide a
钴战斧是一把困难模式的斧头,它可以在击败血肉墙后获得,它是钴链锯的斧头替代品。就像所有的斧头和链锯一样,它仅被用于砍伐树、仙人掌和巨型发光蘑菇。 Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to provide a better speed boost by percentages, rounding
叶绿巨斧是一把困难模式的斧头,它可以在击败所有三个机械 Boss后获得,它是叶绿链锯的斧头替代品。它是由叶绿锭制作而成的。 Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to provide a better speed boost by percentages, rounding reveals that Legendary and
血肉锤是一把锤,可以在克苏鲁之脑被击败后获得。与其腐化对应物——魔锤一样,它作为武器时比以往的锤更有用,能造成可观的伤害,且支持自动挥舞。与魔锤相比,血肉锤伤害较低,但它的攻击速度更快且范围略大。 Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to p
星怒是一把在挥舞时召唤星星弹的剑。星星会在使用时落向光标所在处,发出光粒子并且最多可以穿透 2 个敌怪,但不造成击退。星怒仅可从漂浮岛上的天域箱、蓝或空中获得。 Its best modifier is Legendary.在 Console version上其最佳修饰语是神级,因为无法给它近战修饰语。
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