{{modifier|harvest}} == {{tr|Crafting}} == === {{tr|Recipes}} === {{recipes|result=Gold Pickaxe|expectedrows=2}} == 效力 == {| class="terraria" ! 需要一击 ! 需要两击 ! 无法采挖 |-valign=top | *{{item|Ash Block}} *{{item|Clay Block}} *{{item|Dirt Block}} *{{item...
是一把困難模式的錘,可以用葉綠錠製作。它是遊戲中最強大的錘之一,和所有錘一樣,可以用於移除背景牆和創建半物塊與斜面。 Its bestmodifierisLegendary. WhileLightmay seem to provide a better speed boost by percentages, rounding reveals that Legendary and Lightmine at equal speedsfor this tool....
叶绿战锤是一把困难模式的锤,可以用叶绿锭制作。它是游戏中最强大的锤之一,和所有锤一样,可以用于移除背景墙和创建半物块与斜面。 Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to provide a better speed boost by percentages, rounding reveals that Legend
探索 基础 进阶 泰拉瑞亚链接 Wiki 社区 探索 当前 Terraria Wiki 其他像您看见 敌怪 药水 钓鱼 永夜刃 翅膀 本周热门页面 泰拉瑞亚 1 配饰 2 Boss 3 地图查看器 4 盔甲 5 本页使用的模板: 泰拉新闻(查看源代码) Template:*(查看源代码) Template:Bool(查看源代码) ...
A mod (short for "modification") is community-developed software that customizes Terraria's graphics and/or gameplay elements in some way. Mods are not developed by Re-Logic. See the Terraria Mods Wiki for information on current mods available for Terrar
星怒是一把在挥舞时召唤星星弹的剑。星星会在使用时落向光标所在处,发出光粒子并且最多可以穿透 2 个敌怪,但不造成击退。星怒仅可从漂浮岛上的天域箱、蓝或空中获得。 Its bestmodifierisLegendary.在 Console version上其最佳修饰语是神级,因为无法给它近战修饰语。
Basics Advanced Terraria Links Wiki Community Others Like You Viewed Accessories Potions Beefalo Trinkets Aasimar Top Pages this Week Bosses 1 Wings 2 Shimmer 3 Armor 4 NPCs 5 Footnotes ↑A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most ofTerraria's updating logic happens every tick. A ...
Reforging, which is the process by which you can improve an accessory, weapon, or tool by getting a new modifier for the item. Throughout the game, a fair bit of your coin will go toward reforging your equipment for improved power. Painter. His wares are purely cosmetic, but can drastica...
Both Pumpkin Moon and Frost Moon's "expert drop bonus" modifier has been reduced slightly, with the base drop rates being increased by the same amount. The end result is that Classic mode drops are slightly more generous, while Expert drop rates stay the same. (This is after taking Pumpkin...