是一把困難模式的錘,可以用葉綠錠製作。它是遊戲中最強大的錘之一,和所有錘一樣,可以用於移除背景牆和創建半物塊與斜面。 Its bestmodifierisLegendary. WhileLightmay seem to provide a better speed boost by percentages, rounding reveals that Legendary and Lightmine at equal speedsfor this tool....
秘銀戰斧是一把困難模式的斧頭,它可以在製作秘銀砧或山銅砧後獲得,它是秘銀鏈鋸的斧頭替代品。與比其稍強的山銅戰斧,它們比鈷戰斧或鈀金戰斧強,但比之後可以獲得的精金戰斧或鈦金戰斧弱。如同所有其它斧頭和鏈鋸,它完全用於砍伐樹、仙人掌和巨型發光蘑菇。 Its best mo
石 棒 [[金镐|]] 金 魇 亡使者 岩 夺 [[钴镐|]] 金 银 铜 金 金 绿 灵 夜明镐 [[钻头|]] 钻 金钻 银钻 铜钻 金钻 金钻 绿钻 夜明钻头 ...
星怒是一把在挥舞时召唤星星弹的剑。星星会在使用时落向光标所在处,发出光粒子并且最多可以穿透 2 个敌怪,但不造成击退。星怒仅可从漂浮岛上的天域箱、蓝或空中获得。 Its best modifier is Legendary.在 Console version上其最佳修饰语是神级,因为无法给它近战修饰语。
针叶木锤是针叶木套装中的锤。它比标准木锤更强大,并且像所有锤一样,可以用于移除墙或给物块塑形。 Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to provide a better speed boost by percentages, rounding reveals that Legendary and Light mine at equal sp
血肉锤是一把锤,可以在克苏鲁之脑被击败后获得。与其腐化对应物——魔锤一样,它作为武器时比以往的锤更有用,能造成可观的伤害,且支持自动挥舞。与魔锤相比,血肉锤伤害较低,但它的攻击速度更快且范围略大。 Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to p
葉綠戰錘是一把困難模式的錘,可以用葉綠錠製作。它是遊戲中最強大的錘之一,和所有錘一樣,可以用於移除背景牆和創建半物塊與斜面。 Its best modifier is Legendary. While Light may seem to provide a better speed boost by percentages, rounding reveals that Legend
Attack speed in Terraria refers to the rate at which a weapon can attack. Despite many modifiers and effects showing changes to attack or melee speed, attack speed is not an in-game statistic and is instead determined by its reciprocal, known as use time
The Drax is a drill and axe combination which can be crafted after all three mechanical bosses have been defeated. It is able to mine any block other than Lihzahrd Bricks. On the Nintendo 3DS version, the Drax can be found in Shadow Chests in The Underw