TheRecipe Browsermod does what the game’s original version Guide wishes it could, and then some. Once installed, it provides a robust item searching service that sorts your backpack and any nearby chests to filter through ingredients and streamline multi-step crafting recipes. ...
Highlights of the complete Terraria APK [Mod Menu]: Over 1,250 crafting recipes for potions, weapons, armor, and other items 25 different types of blocks to create anything you can imagine 150 diverse monsters to encounter A variety of bosses to take on Realistic physics for water and lavaAp...
There is now a map, mini map, and overlay that only shows tiles the brightest they have ever been 现在有了地图、小地图和只展示方块最亮时候的覆盖大地图 The map can be toggled using tab, m, or through the map icons 地图可以用tab键、m键或者通过地图相关图标来切换 “M” has been remapped...
Welcome to our Terraria Wiki which will help you through various aspects of the game including mods, crafting, recipes, items, enemies, environments and much more. We have more than 100 pages on the wiki covering all aspects of the game.Terraria...
Evil crates fished up after entering Hardmode can contain Souls of Night and Ichor or Cursed Flames, which are vital ingredients in several powerful early-Hardmode crafting recipes. Keep in mind that Wraiths will spawn when you break altars, and random parts of the world can be infected. ...