TheRecipe Browsermod does what the game’s original version Guide wishes it could, and then some. Once installed, it provides a robust item searching service that sorts your backpack and any nearby chests to filter through ingredients and streamline multi-step crafting recipes. ...
Welcome to our Terraria Wiki which will help you through various aspects of the game including mods, crafting, recipes, items, enemies, environments and much more. We have more than 100 pages on the wiki covering all aspects of the game.Terraria...
New Crafting Recipes Many items in vanilla Terraria aren’t accessible other than killing enemies or getting lucky opening chests. Install Calamity mod, and many of these vanilla items become accessible through crafting as well. For example, before, you could only get the Cloud in a Bottle by ...
With this mod the trees will no longer drop regular wood, they will now drop Wood sticks and Big wood logs which must be processed (on a table and sawmill respectively).It also integrates recipes to create the different types of wood from elements of each biome. ...
There is now an extended crafting menu that will show everything you can craft 现在有了扩展的制造菜单,可以展示所有你可以制造的东西 Some items now stack to 999 一些物品现在可堆叠到999个 Character slots have been increased to 1,000 角色栏位增加到1000个 ...
How to install the Terraria Swords mod? Download the mod andBlockLauncher. Unzip the downloaded archive. Run BL and select ModPE -> activate the mod file. The mod is installed! Crafting recipes Do not have the effects unfortunately Swords are in creative inventory ...
Some crafting recipesThird stuff I think there's a problem with the game physics you can swear you played an hour but somehow it turned 5And these are some of my biggest problems with it The developers don't appreciate your time By making a game being so grindyYes. There are some more...
Highlights of the complete Terraria APK [Mod Menu]: Over 1,250 crafting recipes for potions, weapons, armor, and other items 25 different types of blocks to create anything you can imagine 150 diverse monsters to encounter A variety of bosses to take on Realistic physics for water and lavaAp...
手榴弹是消耗性的爆炸 远程 / 投掷武器,可以从爆破专家处以每个 75 的价格购买,或者少见地会出现在天然宝箱中。一旦困难模式已激活,它们会出现在罐子中(替换掉手里剑)。 投掷出的手榴弹会轻微反弹并滚动,直到击中有效目标或经过 3 秒钟,之后它会爆炸。 Lua错误 在Mod
劇毒法杖是一個困難模式下的魔法武器。它能自動開火,朝30°角的範圍發射四顆"毒牙",能夠穿透多個敵怪並造成中毒 減益。它掉落自黑隱士,一種出現在蜘蛛窩內的敵怪,掉率是2.5%。 Its best modifier is Mythical. Lua錯誤 在Module:Recipes的第647行:attempt to concatena