Once installed, it provides a robust item searching service that sorts your backpack and any nearby chests to filter through ingredients and streamline multi-step crafting recipes. This makes it a lot easier to put all the random bits of junk in your inventory to good use and craft furniture ...
There is now an extended crafting menu that will show everything you can craft 现在有了扩展的制造菜单,可以展示所有你可以制造的东西 Some items now stack to 999 一些物品现在可堆叠到999个 Character slots have been increased to 1,000 角色栏位增加到1000个 World slots have been increased to 1,00...
Welcome to our Terraria Wiki which will help you through various aspects of the game including mods, crafting, recipes, items, enemies, environments and much more. We have more than 100 pages on the wiki covering all aspects of the game.Terraria...