Friendly npcs will sell different items depending on certain conditions such as time of day or biome they are living in 友好npc会根据像一天中的时间或居住的生物群系等特定条件卖不同的东西 Hardmode bosses have a chance to spawn on their own to help players progress through the game 困难模式boss...
* Enemy spawn distance has been pushed back to the maximum resolution to ensure that they will never spawn on the screen. *敌人生成距离推回到最大分辨率以确保它们不会在屏幕上生成。 * Enemy spawn rates have been adjusted to account for the increased spawn distance. *敌人生成几率被调整以适应增加...
Meteorite Meteorite (biome) Meteorite Armor Meteorite Bar Meteorite Bathtub Meteorite Bed Meteorite Bookcase Meteorite Brick Meteorite Brick Wall Meteorite Candelabra Meteorite Candle Meteorite Chair Meteorite Chandelier Meteorite Chest Meteorite Clock Meteorite Door Meteorite Dresser Meteorite Lamp Meteorite Lantern...
you to not spawn without breaking through blocks you will now get a message when trying to set your spawn point letting you know the bed is not in a suitable position.如果你把床放在某个地方,导致你在不破坏方块的情况下无法生成,你现在会在尝试设置生成点时收到一条消息,让你知道床不在合适的...
* New NPC - A Clothier will now move into your town when the conditions are met. *新NPC - 当条件得到满足时一个裁缝现在会搬到你的城镇。 * Enemy spawn distance has been pushed back to the maximum resolution to ensure that they will never spawn on the screen. *敌人生成距离推回到最大分辨...
Ocram’s spawn item’s recipe requires fewer ingredients Titan, Spectral and Dragon armor require fewer ingredients Sparkly Wings are now much easier to craft The amount of meteorite required for crafting has been decreased Meteorite armor has more defense and does more damage Silt and slush can ...
Fixed a rare issue where the game could freeze if it was literally impossible to spawn a meteorite Fixed an issue where Doors, Trap Doors, and Tall Gates could render a house invalid if they were open Fixed an issue where non-Journey players could sometimes be set to permanently have Journe...
(In 1.4, you have a map marker for spawn, and you can respawn a few blocks higher or lower if something's in the way. You still need to have someplace where you can stand, but you can build a shelter there and spawn inside). Those mushrooms are your first "healing potion". Get ...
Meteorite ore is provided by the "crash sites" which appear after breaking a Crimson Heart or Shadow Orb. If desired, timing the breaks can maximize the number of crashes. Albeit rarely, Meteorite can also be dropped by Meteor Head. If you leave behind (or stockpile) at least 50 Meteorit...
Demon Altars and Crimson Altars are naturally-occurring crafting stations found mainly in and around chasms in The Corruption or The Crimson, and less frequently underground. They are used to craft pre-Hardmode boss-summoning items and the Night's Edge,