* Enemy spawn distance has been pushed back to the maximum resolution to ensure that they will never spawn on the screen. *敌人生成距离推回到最大分辨率以确保它们不会在屏幕上生成。 * Enemy spawn rates have been adjusted to account for the increased spawn distance. *敌人生成几率被调整以适应增加...
(If you find a Magic Mirror, you can use it to teleport back to your spawn point.) 你可以用锤或爆炸物来摧毁暗影珠和猩红之心,但要准备应对它们释放的力量。(You can destroy Shadow Orbs and Crimson Hearts with a hammer or explosives, but prepare yourself for the forces they unleash.) 其他...
you to not spawn without breaking through blocks you will now get a message when trying to set your spawn point letting you know the bed is not in a suitable position.如果你把床放在某个地方,导致你在不破坏方块的情况下无法生成,你现在会在尝试设置生成点时收到一条消息,让你知道床不在合适的...
Meteorite armor has more defense and does more damage 陨铁套有了更高的防御,并造成更多伤害 Silt and slush can be extracted into useful materials, items, and money 泥砂和雪砂可提取出有用的材料、物品和钱 Each boss has a rare chance to drop a placeable boss trophy ...
修复了 an issue where different operating systems would see slightly different world seed results, though we will have to keep an eye out for this recurring Increased the minimum range from spawn that Sky Islands require, to prevent spawning on them Partially fixed an issue where multiple Crimson...
Spawn Rates have been adjusted. 敌人的生成速率已经调整。 2011.04.30-Alpha0.7.1 Added Star Cannon - Created with a Minishark, 20 Meteorite Bars, and 5 Fallen Stars 添加了星星加农炮 - 用迷你鲨鱼、20个陨铁条和5颗陨落之星合成 Added Phaseblades - Created with 20 Meteorite Bars and 10 Gems(for...
You can change your spawn point by placing and using a bed. If you find a Magic Mirror, you can use it to teleport back to your spawn point. Water will break your fall. Torches and Glowsticks can be a light for you in dark places when all other lights go out. Torches won't work...
Like with Wyvern spawn heights, this can also be a double-edged sword as a higher number of meteorite blocks are required in the world to prevent more meteorites from spawning and potentially destroying landscapes or player built structures. Notes \{\{comma/item\!\l!--\n --\g\{\{#var:...
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Demon Altars and Crimson Altars are naturally-occurring crafting stations found mainly in and around chasms in The Corruption or The Crimson, and less frequently underground. They are used to craft pre-Hardmode boss-summoning items and the Night's Edge,