If you don’t have a Furnace yet, you’ll need to craft one using stone, wood, and torches. Open your crafting menu, and if you’re close enough to the Furnace, you’ll see the option to smelt your ores into bars. Just click on the bar you want to make, and boom, you’ve ...
Work Benches are the first table you need in Terraria, as they unlock more craftable items. Once you have 10 of any Wood, two of any Iron Bar, and one Chain, you can make a Sawmill. Sawmills are used to make proper tables, so you’ll need one before following the instructions below...
Hellstone Bar is now craftable - Requires 6 Hellstone and 2 Obsidian 现在可以制作地狱熔炉 - 需要6块地狱石和2块黑曜石。 Added Phoenix Blaster - Underworld Handgun 添加了凤凰爆破手枪 - 地狱手枪。 Added Sunfury - Underworld flail 添加了日怒 - 地狱链球。
Combine them to make a Cloud in a Balloon.) 如果你找到魔镜,可以用它传送回你的生成点。(If you find a Magic Mirror, you can use it to teleport back to your spawn point.) 你可以用锤或爆炸物来摧毁暗影珠和猩红之心,但要准备应对它们释放的力量。(You can destroy Shadow Orbs and Crimson ...
Stars can now be crafted with bottles to make a new light source 星星现在可以和空瓶结合来制造新的光源 Floating island chests no longer require a key 浮空岛箱子不再需要钥匙 Gems and bars can be placed 宝石和矿物锭可放置 Items made from hellstone now require less hellstone ...
* Mining stone and other hard ores make a 'tink' noise now. *现在挖掘石头以及其他坚硬的矿物会发出“叮”的声音。 * Hellstone and Obsidian now require at least a Demonite pick to gather. *狱岩石和黑曜石现在至少需要魔金镐来收集。 * Sand no longer spawns within a certain distance of the ...
Hellstone HardmodeOres Cobalt Palladium Mythril Orichalcum Adamantite Titanium Chlorophyte Luminite Bars Copper Tin Iron Lead Silver Tungsten Gold Platinum Demonite Crimtane
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Make sure the Truffle Worm is not the upper-leftmost bait item! (Unless the player is actually trying to summon Duke Fishron at the Ocean.) Bait is used from top-left to bottom-right, meaning that the Truffle Worm should be in the bottom-right square for regular fishing or the top-left...