Hellstone Bar is now craftable - Requires 6 Hellstone and 2 Obsidian 现在可以制作地狱熔炉 - 需要6块地狱石和2块黑曜石。 Added Phoenix Blaster - Underworld Handgun 添加了凤凰爆破手枪 - 地狱手枪。 Added Sunfury - Underworld flail 添加了日怒 - 地狱链球。 Added Hellforges that are used to create...
宝石和矿物锭可放置 Items made from hellstone now require less hellstone 狱岩石制作的物品现在需要更少的狱岩石 NPCS: 非玩家角色: There are 8 new friendly npcs 有了8个新的友好npc There are 4 new bosses 有了4个新的boss There are over 100 new enemies 有了超过100个新敌人 Friendly npcs will s...
only:Hellstone Brick Hellstone Stone Block Iridescent Brick Stone Block Ash Block Iron Brick 5 Stone Block5 Iron Ore Lead Brick 5 Stone Block5 Lead Ore only:Luminite Brick 5 Stone Block5 Luminite only:Luminite Brick 2 Luminite Stone Block only:Meteorite Bri...
Gold Bar4 Torch4 Chain Granite Chandelier Smooth Granite Block4 Torch4 Chain only:Hellfire Arrow 25 Wooden Arrow25 Torch5 Hellstone Bar Lamp Post Any Iron Bar3 Glass2 Torch Marble Chandelier Smooth Marble Block4 Torch4 Chain Martian Chandelier Martian Conduit Plating4 Torch4 Chain Meteori...
1.1 Recipes 1.2 Used in 2 Tips 3 History Crafting[] Recipes[] ResultIngredientsCrafting station Silk Cobweb7 Loom Used in[] ResultIngredientsCrafting station Nebula Bed Nebula Brick15 Silk5 Ancient Manipulator Nebula Sofa Nebula Brick5 Silk2 Solar Bed Solar Brick15 Silk5 Solar Sofa Solar Brick...
Materials Expand Drops Collapse Ores and Bars Ores Copper Tin Iron Lead Silver Tungsten Gold Platinum Demonite Crimtane Meteorite Obsidian Hellstone HardmodeOres Cobalt Palladium Mythril ...
折叠 V • D • E 角色(列表): 困难模式之前的敌怪 困难模式的敌怪 事件敌怪 Boss 小动物 友方 NPC 亲随 zh:向导th:Guide/thnl:Guide/nlit:Guide/itcs:Guide/cs 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC BY-NC-SA许可协议下提供。
Hellstone HardmodeOres Cobalt Palladium Mythril Orichalcum Adamantite Titanium Chlorophyte Luminite Bars Copper Tin Iron Lead Silver Tungsten Gold Platinum Demonite Crimtane
weapons. It is also a light source. The Furnace smelts all Pre-Hardmode ores besides Hellstone, which must be smelted in a Hellforge. The Furnace is also sold by the Merchant when he is in the Jungle biome. Contents1 Crafting 1.1 Recipes 1.2 Used to craft 2 Achievement 3 History ...
Desktop Obsidian Sink now requires both Obsidian and Hellstone to craft.Desktop Spider, Bamboo, Lesion, Sandstone, Nebula, Vortex, Solar and Stardust Sinks added. Skyware Sink item and placed sprites updated. Obsidian Sink now uses Obsidian to craft....