Actually, you don't always need to smelt ores to get bars. Some bars, like Hellstone, require a special furnace called the Hellforge, which you can find in the Underworld. So, not just any furnace will do for some of the fancier bars out there. 👏72 AttemptingDance·10 months ago ...
Terraria contains two holiday themed events, one of which being the Pumpkin Moon. The Pumpkin Moon is an event that can be accessed after killingPlanteraand contains difficult enemies and valuable drops which help in the late-game. It also spawns a boss and a miniboss so you’ll have to go...
The Phoenix Blaster is one of the strongest pre-hardmode guns in Terraria. It helps greatly in the battle against the Wall of Flesh. This guide will teach you how to get it. Do the following things: