46 Hallowed Bar3 Frost Core (dropped by Ice Golem) Hallowed armor 524915 11 315035+7% damage+7% critical strike chance+8% movement speedHallowed Headgear: Increases maximum mana by 100, 12% increased magic damage and critical strike chance, 20% reduced mana usageHallowed Mask: 10% ...
WeMod 致力于服务全球数百万玩家,坚守安全和免费原则是我们对用户社区的承诺。我们不断发展壮大,离不开 WeMod Pro 会员的支持。我们在Trustpilot上的用户评价就是最有力的证明。 如何在 Terraria 中使用修改器? WeMod 会安全地扫描并显示你的 PC 上已安装的所有游戏。只需从列表中选择一款游戏并点击“开始游戏”,...
Hallowed Mimic神圣宝箱怪 Harpy鸟妖 Headless Horseman无头骑士 Hell Armored Bones地狱装甲骷髅 Hellbat地狱蝙蝠 Hellhound地狱犬 Herpling蹦蹦兽 Hoplite装甲步兵 Hoppin' Jack弹跳杰克南瓜灯 Hornet黄蜂 Ice Bat冰雪蝙蝠 Ice Elemental冰雪精 Ice Golem冰雪巨人 ...
Frost Armor is now crafted from Titanium and Adamantite bars rather than Hallowed. 冰霜盔甲现在用钛金和精金锭制作而不是神圣锭。 Chlorophyte can now revert Corruption or Crimson spread. It also turns nearby dirt into mud. 叶绿矿现在会恢复腐化或血腥传播。它还可以使得附近的泥土转变为淤泥。(译者按:...
The Frost Breastplate now correctly gives bonus based off the tooltip 冰霜胸甲现在会依据工具提示正确给予奖励 You can no longer sell money 你不再能卖出钱币 Orichalcum axe now requires an orichalcum anvil to craft 山铜斧现在需要一个山铜砧来制造 ...
He comes to town after the Frost Legion is defeated (and 'tis the season).) 生物群落与环境 如果你的房屋没有背景墙,怪就能在里面生成。(If your house doesn't have background walls, monsters will be able to spawn inside.) 天空中有漂浮岛。( There are floating islands in the sky.) 如果...
Hallowed armor is a Hardmode armor set. It has melee, ranged, magic, and summoner set versions, depending on the equipped headpiece. Crafting a full set with one headpiece requires 54 Hallowed Bars (dropped by the mechanical bosses), or 90 / 78 Hallowed
The Frost armor is a Hardmode armor set that grants the ability to inflict Frostbite / Frostburn on enemies with melee or ranged attacks when the whole set is worn, as well as causing all ranged and melee attacks to give off light. Frostbite is a variant
The Frost armor is a Hardmode armor set that grants the ability to inflict Frostbite / Frostburn on enemies with melee or ranged attacks when the whole set is worn, as well as causing all ranged and melee attacks to give off light. Frostbite is a variant
Vortex armor is a post-Moon Lord set of armor that primarily provides ranged weapon boosts. It is currently the final ranged armor set available on the PC version, Console version, Mobile version, Old Chinese version, tModLoader version, and tModLo