Its dodge ability will only last a few seconds, similarly to the set bonus of the [./ Hallowed armor]. 这件物品的闪避几率和 黑腰带 和/或 忍者大师装备 叠加。玩家可以用忍者大师装备、混乱之脑及神圣盔甲以获得高得多的闪避几率。在大师模式下,或者对抗...
成就的图像似乎有一个穿着Red's armor的人物,大概是Redigit。 你能行! • "让你的角色安然度过第一晚。" 安然度过第一个夜晚。 全副武装 • "在所有三个盔甲栏(头部、胸部和脚部)中装备盔甲。" 在所有盔甲栏中装备盔甲(部件不需要是同一套装的)。 并不需要是同一个套装的。 前代主机版 Xbox ...
(You can use Hallowed Seeds, Holy Water, or Pearlstone to make Hallowed ground.) 没有什么东西能像翅膀那边提高机动力。谁不想飞?(Nothing improves your mobility like Wings. Who wouldn't want to fly?) 六分仪显示当前月相。世界上有许多东西都关注月亮。(A Sextant displays the Moon's current ...
Hallowed slimes consolidated into a haughty, crushing force adorned in dazzling crystals. She is rumored to grow wings. — 怪物图鉴史莱姆皇后 是一个困难模式早期的神圣主题Boss,是史莱姆王在困难模式中的对应物。她是一个巨大的戴着王冠的紫罗兰色史莱姆,体内有用于召唤她的明胶水晶的放大版本。对战史莱姆皇后...
341 Unicorn 2 The Hallow These majestic single-horned equines storm angrily through the hallowed land in search of lowly intrusions needing to be cleansed away. 342 Illuminant Slime 2 Underground Hallow Slimes exposed to the light of the Hallow's crystals begin to emit that very same light, ...
With the exception of certain exclusive armors, the Hallowed armor holds several records in Terraria: The melee set provides the highest movement speed and melee speed bonuses, and the second-highest critical strike chance bonuses (after Chlorophyte armor). When using Turtle armor, the Hallowed Ma...
Hallowedarmor Armor Provides invincibility after striking an enemy. Ironskin Potion Potion Increases defense by 8 for 5 minutes. Food Items Potion Increases defense by 2-4 for various time periods. Frostspark Boots Accessory Basically Lightning Boots and Ice Skates combined. You won't fall...
Hallowed armorHoly Protection buff no longer starts its cooldown immediately at the time the buff starts, but instead begins the 30 second cooldown when you activate the dodge. If you never use the dodge, you can re-activate it immediately after the buff expires. Previously, the Holy ...
Hallowed Bars can be used to craft Hallowed armor and several kinds of weapons. The player can also return to the Underground Jungle to search for Life Fruit, a consumable item that can increase the player's maximum health to 500. The Solar Eclipse is a very rare event and one ...
You can of course still play a mixed class, though it is recommended to have a backup armor set (e.g. in the vanity slots) so you can switch quickly for some additional damage or defense. Hallowed armor may be preferred for extra survivability. Pre-Plantera Melee Weapons Terra Blade ...