(You can make a grappling hook out of iron chains and a hook. The easiest place to find a hook is on piranhas in a jungle.) 如果你找到魔镜,可以用它传送回你的生成点。(If you find a Magic Mirror, you can use it to teleport back to your spawn point.) 种子可用于种植各种有用的材料...
Terraria wings can vary from angel wings to bat wings, so here's how to get them, use them, and discover which ones work best for you.
Nothing improves your mobility like Wings. Who wouldn't want to fly? Riding Minecarts is one of the best ways of getting around. You can build your own tracks, or find them Underground. Life Crystals not enough for you? Eventually, Life Fruit will grow in the Jungle, and can give you ...
Starting Hardmode is very difficult: you’re underequipped and almost everything is stronger than you. You will have to return underground in search of ores to get some decent gear. But first, you’ll need to make a detour because none of that new ore ac
As time allows, start making money to purchase Pylons so you can start warping around the map to different locations for convenience. Typically the easiest pylons to set up in the early game are the Forest Pylon, Cavern Pylon and the Desert Pylon. Also, build up some money in case you ne...