Terraria wings can vary from angel wings to bat wings, so here's how to get them, use them, and discover which ones work best for you.
The easiest (or the way that does not heavily depend on the weapon you are using) way to get to the ammo conservation cap is using the Ammo Box, Ammo Reservation Potion, Chlorophyte Helmet, Shroomite Breastplate, and any bow/gun/rocket launcher that has a ammo conservation chance, since no...
The easiest place to find a hook is on piranhas in a jungle.) 如果你找到魔镜,可以用它传送回你的生成点。(If you find a Magic Mirror, you can use it to teleport back to your spawn point.) 种子可用于种植各种有用的材料,特别是用于制作药水的那些。(Seeds can be used to farm a variety ...
Nothing improves your mobility like Wings. Who wouldn't want to fly? Riding Minecarts is one of the best ways of getting around. You can build your own tracks, or find them Underground. Life Crystals not enough for you? Eventually, Life Fruit will grow in the Jungle, and can give you ...
Golem is a Hardmode, post-Plantera boss found in the Jungle Temple and is by far one of the easiest bosses in the game relative to game progression. While Golem is alive, the music Golem will play. When Otherworldly music is enabled, the track Boss 2 (Ot
Wings and ranged weapons come in handy for dodging and damaging the head once you've destroyed Skeletron Prime's weapons. The head deals huge damage on contact, so avoid it or suffer the consequences. With your ability to farm materials and give the fight more than one try, you should be...
The only hardmode addition to floating islands is the Wyvern enemy. These Wyverns are of interest because they drop Souls of Flight, which are required to craft wings. Wyverns are very difficult to kill. They fly through the air using the same AI as worms, but they move much faster, ...
As time allows, start making money to purchase Pylons so you can start warping around the map to different locations for convenience. Typically the easiest pylons to set up in the early game are the Forest Pylon, Cavern Pylon and the Desert Pylon. Also, build up some money in case you ne...