Added Config.json setting "UseSmartWallReplacement", on by default, if you set it off: automatic wall replacement while building will be disabled 添加了Config.json设置“UseSmartWallReplacement”,默认为开,如果你设置关:建造时自动放置墙壁被禁用(译者注:配置名称是“使用智能墙壁放置”) Added Config.json...
* Sand no longer spawns within a certain distance of the spawn location, This should remove the chance of spawning in a desert with no wood to use. *沙子不再在距离出生点的一定距离内生成,这移除了出生在沙漠里无木头可用的可能。 * Hellstone now correctly takes as long to dig as meteor does...
Desert, ocean, glowing mushrooms, dungeon, and space all have their own tracks now 沙漠、海洋、夜光蘑菇、地牢和太空现在都有了自己的音轨 Ice biome has an above and below ground track 冰雪生物群系有了在地平线以上和以下的音轨 Performance/Miscellaneous: ...
Building Arena Artificial biomes Bases Travel Wiring Surviving in Environments Corruption Crimson Desert Dungeon Jungle Ocean Underworld The Constant Pre-Hardmode Boss Strategies King Slime Eye of Cthulhu Eater of Worlds Brain of Cthulhu ...
Desert Fossil Cloud ( Rain Snow ) Sunplate Aetherium Cobweb Spike ( Wooden ) Shell Pile Craftable Glass ( Waterfall Lavafall Honeyfall Sandfall Snowfall Confetti Midnight Confetti ...
Building Arena Artificial biomes Bases Travel Wiring Surviving in Environments Corruption Crimson Desert Dungeon Jungle Ocean Underworld The Constant Pre-Hardmode Boss Strategies King Slime Eye of Cthulhu Eater of Worlds Brain of Cthulhu ...
See Fish Finder#Tips for more information. Building mini-biomes is useful for quick access for fishing biome-specific fish, as some biomes such as the Jungle, Corruption, or Crimson may be more time-consuming and/or dangerous to travel to. When attempting to get new accessories from quest ...
Building the root teleporter directly under the world spawn makes for an excellent transport hub. So we have the following requirements: One root room (relatively complex) and a network of dumb remote cabins. Cabins are connected to each other, so there is no need to drag each wire to ...
Players tend to utilize this effect by building large structures (towns or bases) with several integrated houses, to serve as their safe area. These reductions are usually overridden by events like Blood Moons or Goblin Invasions, during which spawn rates return to normal or are elevated, and ...
With the 1.4 Happiness mechanic, it's no longer acceptable to stick them all in one apartment building; rather, you will need to set up homes in a variety of biomes. The NPCs can defend themselves fairly well against individual early-game enemies, but later in the game or if they get ...