Ice biome Desert Underground Desert Ocean Jungle Underground Jungle Jungle Temple Glowing Mushroom biome The Corruption Underground Corruption The Crimson Underground Crimson The Hallow Underground Hallow DungeonMechanics Aggro Attack speed Buffs Crafting Critical hit ...
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Desert Forest Hallow Jungle Mushroom Ocean Snow Universal You can only buy a Pylon from an NPC who is happy. To make them happy they need a home, some friendly neighbors, and they will all have different Biomes that they prefer to live in. As an example, according to RedditorNick_Smith...
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Desert Dungeon Jungle Ocean Underworld The Constant Pre-Hardmode Boss Strategies King Slime Eye of Cthulhu Eater of Worlds Brain of Cthulhu Deerclops Queen Bee Lepus Skeletron Turkor the Ungrateful Wall of Flesh Hardmode Getting sta...