Note that for Desert in particular, it's really hard to control the spread through all that sand, so break it into several sections. You should also take measures to protect at least one of the ocean shores. Make sure you have spare houses scattered across the map, in case some of ...
How to get them: Talk to them in the Underground Desert. Requires a vacant house. What they do: Sell golfing-related items. Name: Zoologist How to get them: Player's Bestiary must be 10% complete. Requires a vacant house. What they do: Sell animal and pet-related items. Name: Cat...
*狱岩石和黑曜石现在至少需要魔金镐来收集。 * Sand no longer spawns within a certain distance of the spawn location, This should remove the chance of spawning in a desert with no wood to use. *沙子不再在距离出生点的一定距离内生成,这移除了出生在沙漠里无木头可用的可能。 * Hellstone now corr...
白天主题2会循环到白天主题1以添加地表以上的变种 Desert, ocean, glowing mushrooms, dungeon, and space all have their own tracks now 沙漠、海洋、夜光蘑菇、地牢和太空现在都有了自己的音轨 Ice biome has an above and below ground track 冰雪生物群系有了在地平线以上和以下的音轨 Performance/Miscellaneous...