The Terraria Ranger build is a classic playstyle that utilizes the strongest ranged weapons to threaten mighty foes from a distance.
Best Terraria Pre-Hardmode Weapons for Progressing into Hardmode Fifteen of the most powerful Terraria Pre-Hardmode weapons for every build archetype; melee, ranged, magic and summoning. Chlorophyte Bullet Base Damage: 10 (15 on pre-update platforms) Velocity: 5 Special Properties: Homing bullets ...
if(Main.hardMode) return true; 这里的意思是,如果世界是困难模式,则NPC生成return false;}但是如果NPC死亡了(被怪物或者岩浆什么的)。。重生的话名字会变得很奇怪(比如本来的名字是AI,重生后可能会变成AIAI)~所以需要下面的代码public static string SetName(){if(Main.rand.Next(1)==0) return "AI"; ...
配方/物品:In total there are over 1,000 new items总体上有了超过1000个新物品There are 10 new ores有了10种新矿石There are 4 new wood types有了4种新的木头类型There are 31 new brick types有了31种新的砖块类型You can now imbue melee weapons你现在可以给近战武器灌输效果There are several new ...
There are 2 new hardmode events 有了2个新的困难模式事件 Werewolf form has been buffed and can take place every night 增强了狼人形态,并可发生在每个晚上 Broken armor debuff only lasts 2 minutes, down from 5 破甲debuff只持续2分钟,从5降到2 ...
Weapons will take ammo from these slots first, and will then take from any in the inventory after they are empty. 现在有四个弹药栏了。弹药可以放在这些位置来整理你的物品栏。武器会首先从这些栏里使用弹药,然后会在这些栏空了之后从物品栏的任何格子里使用弹药。 Hot-Bar slots that have a ranged ...
A Phaseblade is a pre-Hardmode broadsword. There are seven / six different color variations with identical statistics, with the color determined by the type of gem used to craft it. All Phaseblades emit a small amount of light when swung. The Phasesaber
Ranged weapons Magic weapons Summoning weapons Throwing weapons Collapse Melee Weapons Ore Swords Shortswords Copper Tin Iron Lead Silver Tungsten Gold Platinum Broadswords Copper Tin Iron Lead Silver Tungsten Gold Platinum ...
Ranged weapons Magic weapons Summoning weapons Throwing weapons Collapse Melee Weapons OreSwords Shortswords Copper Tin Iron Lead Silver Tungsten Gold Platinum Broadswords Copper Tin Iron ...
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