Crystal Bullets are the best bullets type in early Hardmode, particularly effective against bosses and multi-segment enemies. Upon impact, each bullet shatters into two shards (patch 1.4.1nerfed them, they used to shatter into three shards), each dealing 50% of the original damage, which signi...
The Terraria Ranger build is a classic playstyle that utilizes the strongest ranged weapons to threaten mighty foes from a distance.
if(Main.hardMode) return true; 这里的意思是,如果世界是困难模式,则NPC生成return false;}但是如果NPC死亡了(被怪物或者岩浆什么的)。。重生的话名字会变得很奇怪(比如本来的名字是AI,重生后可能会变成AIAI)~所以需要下面的代码public static string SetName(){if(Main.rand.Next(1)==0) return "AI"; ...
The Gold Shortsword is the highest tier of early game metal shortswords, being stronger than the Silver Shortsword, yet slightly weaker than its alternate version, the Platinum Shortsword. Like all shortswords, the Gold Shortsword has a very limited rang
While its base damage is rather low, this is alleviated by its three-round attack and exceptional critical strike chance, making it a very powerful early-Hardmode weapon. In practice, its damage output nearly matches that of the Leaf Blower, a post-Plantera weapon. Since the critical strike ...
biome有了可在冰雪生物群系地表以上的暴雪天气期间被发现的罕见生成的迷你bossThere are over 15 new pets that can be found in chests and dropped rarely off enemies有了超过15个新宠物,可在箱子里找到以及罕见地从敌人掉落Early hardmode enemies now do less damage and have less health/defense.早期困难...
Early hardmode enemies now do less damage and have less health/defense. 早期困难模式的敌人现在造成更少的伤害,有更少的生命值/防御力。 Skeletron can now be summoned and has a small loot table 骷髅王现在能被召唤,并有了小的战利品表 Music: ...
Weapons will take ammo from these slots first, and will then take from any in the inventory after they are empty. 现在有四个弹药栏了。弹药可以放在这些位置来整理你的物品栏。武器会首先从这些栏里使用弹药,然后会在这些栏空了之后从物品栏的任何格子里使用弹药。 Hot-Bar slots that have a ranged ...
The Anchor is a Hardmode melee weapon which acts in a similar fashion to the Harpoon, firing an anchor projectile in an arc. The projectile remains attached to the player via a rope and is heavily affected by gravity. It returns upon reaching a maximum d
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