files #yor:Skip resource "aws_instance" "example_instance" { ami = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0" instance_type = "t2.micro" subnet_id = } ## for cloudformation files #yor:skip ExampleInt: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Properties: Description: An example template ...
Is your request related to a problem? Please describe. When building node lambda, it runs just anpm install. If the package.json file has things indevDependencies, the package file may get a bit bloated unnecessarily. Specific case: one lambda goes from 4MB to 28MB, and obviously, takes ...
Good day, I use a setup to build Slack notification lambda's in my environment. I'm running a container that I set up as follows: FROM hashicorp/terraform:0.12.29 ENV SCRIPTS_DIR=/scripts RUN mkdir -p ${SCRIPTS_DIR} WORKDIR ${SCRIPTS_DIR...
一 背景 在云计算领域,使用基础设施即代码(Infrastructure as Code,IaC)工具如Terraform是一种流行的做法,它允许开发人员和运维团队通过代码定义和管理云平台上的资源。CDK for Terraform(CDKTF)则是在这一基础上的进一步发展,它结合了AWS Cloud Development Kit(CDK)的优点,使得使用编程语言如TypeScript、Python等来定...
是否可以使用存储在template_file桶上的yaml文件来设置s3?是否有其他解决方案来对API进行外部文件的攻击(比如可以基于存储在s3上的文件构建的lambda函数)?Update:我尝试将api_gateway资源与s3_bucket_object合并为数据源,但terraform可能看不到它。有一种信息是没有变化的。= "openapi-${var.current_api_version}.yam...
Introducing Spot Blueprints, a template generator for frameworks like Kubernetes and Apache Spark by Chad Schmutzer on 11 DEC 2020 in Amazon EMR, Announcements, Architecture, Auto Scaling, AWS Batch, AWS Cloud Financial Management, AWS CloudFormation, Best Practices, Billing & Account Management, ...
Over the past few months, I’ve been usingTerraformandCodePipelineto automate deployment ofLambdafunctions across multiple AWS accounts for a platform we’re building atWork & Co. I’ve created an example on GitHubhere. I used Clojure in the example because it’s my preferred language, but ...
以下是通过传入事件进行 Lambda 函数本地测试的示例: $sam local invoke --hook-name terraformhello_world_function-eevents/event.json- 要了解有关使用此命令的更多信息,请参阅使用 sam local invoke 进行测试简介。 使用本地测试 sam local start-api ...
Terraform是一个开源的基础设施即代码工具,它允许开发人员使用简单的声明性语言来定义和管理云基础设施资源。Terraform的核心思想是基础设施即代码(Infrastructure as Cod...
resource/aws_lambda_function: Addlogging_configconfiguration block in support ofadvanced logging controls(#35050) resource/aws_lambda_function: Add support forpython3.12runtimevalue (#35049) resource/aws_lambda_layer_version: Add support forpython3.12compatible_runtimesvalue (#35049) ...