resource "aws_lambda_function" "example_lambda" { function_name = "example_lambda" runtime = "python3.8" handler = "lambda_function.lambda_handler" role = aws_iam_role.example_role.arn filename = "" } data "archive_file" "example_lambda_zip" { type = "zip" ...
在命令行执行show role grant group xxx;可以方便的获取该组拥有的角色,但不能够通过一条命令查看某个...
企业客户在云上部署的一系列数据应用的过程中,数据开发团队往往负责脚本内容,而其背后一系列云上资源的管理通常由一支云运维职能团队通过 IaC(Infrastructre as Code)实现。然而,当数据开发团队开发及部署相应脚本内容时,不可避免会涉及到云上资源的变动,如 Glue、Lambda 的资源增改等。这就造成了两个团队在职能边界...
企业客户在云上部署的一系列数据应用的过程中,数据开发团队往往负责脚本内容,而其背后一系列云上资源的管理通常由一支云运维职能团队通过 IaC(Infrastructre as Code)实现。然而,当数据开发团队开发及部署相应脚本内容时,不可避免会涉及到云上资源的变动,如 Glue、Lambda 的资源增改等。这就造成了两个团队在职能边界...
本模块介绍了一种利用Terraform实现AWS Lambda资源自动化部署的方法。通过采用模块化的设计思路,用户可以轻松创建几乎所有的AWS Lambda支持资源,极大地简化了云服务配置的过程。这种方式不仅提高了部署效率,还保证了配置的一致性和可维护性。 关键词 AWS Lambda, Terraform, 云服务, 自动化部署, 模块化 ...
Over the past few months, I’ve been using Terraform and CodePipeline to automate deployment of Lambda functions across multiple AWS accounts for a platform we’re building at Work & Co. I’ve created an example on GitHub here. I used Clojure in the example because it’s my preferred ...
lambda_multi_value_headers_enabled: "" => "false" ... + aws_ecs_task_definition.aaaaaa + aws_ecs_task_definition.bbbbbb + aws_ecs_task_definition.cccccc ... Plan: 68 to add, 43 to change, 10 to destroy. 看样子新版本新增了部分lb / ecs的参数(并设置了默认值),直接导致这么多的变动...
Terraform module, which creates almost all supported AWS Lambda resources as well as taking care of building and packaging of required Lambda dependencies for functions and layers. This Terraform module is the part framework, which aims to simplify all operations when working with the...
关键字: [Amazon Web Services re:Invent 2024, 亚马逊云科技,, Infrastructure As Code, Terraform Modules, Serverless Applications, Lambda Functions, Best Practices] 导读 在本次会议中,探索使用Terraform构建无服务器应用程序的最佳实践和经验证的模式,以安全、可预测和可重复的方式进行。学习设计模...
Simply put, thanks to this module, you can schedule your code to run at a specific time. Usage module"cron"{source=""function_name="plower"handler="lambda.handler"runtime="python3.9"layer_enabled=truecode_directory="/opt/lambda"input=...