- name: Terraform Importshell: |git initecho 'provider "aws" {\n\tregion = "us-east-1"\n} \n\nresource "aws_security_group" "elb_sg" {\n\n}' > main.tfterraform initterraform import aws_security_group.elb_sg {{item.id}}echo 'provider "aws" {\n\tregion = "us-east-1"\n}...
Terraform是一个高度可扩展的工具,通过Provider来扩展对新的基础架构的支持,几乎支持所有的云服务平台,包括AWS、GCP、Azure、阿里云等,AWS只是Terraform Providers 中的一种。 Terraform基于AWS Go SDK进行构建,采用HashiCorp配置语言(HCL)对资源进行编排,具体的说就是可以用代码来管理维护IT资源,比如针对AWS,我们可以用它...
3、aws-alb-controller子模块:默认集群是没有alb controller,如果发布服务使用ingress需要安装aws alb controller,该模块调用aws iam role和helm及k8s provider创建安装aws alb controller需要的 iam role及service account并用helm安装驱动; root模块 root目录下main.tf文件调用三个子模块相互合作,共通完成vpc、eks集群创...
resource"aws_db_subnet_group""mariadb-subnet"{ name="mariadb-subnet"description="RDS subnet group"subnet_ids= [aws_subnet.main-private-1.id,aws_subnet.main-private-2.id] } 先定义一个参数组。之后被db的实例所引用。 resource"aws_db_parameter_group""mariadb-parameters"{ name="mariadb-parame...
the issue that while most AWS resources can be associated with and disassociated from security groups at any time, there remain some that may not have their security group association changed, and an attempt to change their security group will cause Terraform to delete and recreate the resource....
data "aws_security_groups" "default" { // 数据源为"aws_security_groups",数据源名称"default" filter { name = "group-name" // 过滤 group_name = default 的安全组 values = ["default"] } } // 创建 EC2 实例,运行 docker 容器 resource "aws_instance" "ss" { ...
resource "aws_security_group" "RDS_allow_rule" { vpc_id = aws_vpc.prod-vpc.id ingress { from_port = 3306 to_port = 3306 protocol = "tcp" security_groups = ["${aws_security_group.ec2_allow_rule.id}"] } # Allow all outbound traffic. ...
# 创建 AWS EBS 卷附加资源(data_attachment_p1) resource "aws_volume_attachment" "data_attachment_p1" { ... } # 创建其他两个 AWS EBS 卷附加资源,与 data_attachment_p1 配置类似 # ... # 创建 null_resource(mount_data_volume_p1),用于在实例上挂载数据卷 resource "null_resource" "mount_data...
最后一步是更新aws_launch_configuration资源的user_data参数,使其指向template_file数据源的rendered输出变量。 使用Terraform模块创建可重用基础设施 图4-3:将代码放入模块中可以在多个环境中重复使用该代码 模块化是编写可重用、可维护和可测试的Terraform代码的关键要素。一旦开始使用,你一定会喜欢上模块并开始尝试:将...
{ source = "terraform-aws-modules/key-pair/aws" version = "~> 2.0" key_name_prefix = var.name_prefix create_private_key = true tags = local.tags } # VPC の CIDR から ssh を許可する firewall ルールを定義 resource "aws_security_group" "remote_access" { name_prefix = "${var....