Provides a security group resource.~> NOTE on Security Groups and Security Group Rules: Terraform currently provides both a standalone Security Group Rule resource (a single ingress or egress rule), and a Security Group resource with ingress and egress rules defined in-line. At this time you ...
Security group with predefined rules module "web_server_sg" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/security-group/aws//modules/http-80" name = "web-server" description = "Security group for web-server with HTTP ports open within VPC" vpc_id = "vpc-12345678" ingress_cidr_blocks = ["
id- The Redshift security group ID. Import Redshift security groups can be imported using thename, e.g. $ terraform import aws_redshift_security_group.testgroup1 redshift_test_group See the source of this document Data Sources...
Terraform version: 0.6.3 _Example:_ Defining security role for port _9999_ and _tcp_ creates rules in Amazon, but the state doesn't contain any information about it. resource "aws_security_group_rule" "ingress_no_1" { type = "ingress" from_port = 9999 to_port = 9999 protocol = "...
security_group_ids:安全组 ID,用于定义 EC2 实例的入站和出站流量规则。 3.5 执行 Terraform 命令 通过终端进入 Terraform 项目文件夹: cd /path/to/Dolphindb-Terraform 初始化目录: terraform init 部署实例,可以根据实际的资源和需求来填写 文件中定义的变量: terraform apply -var "region=<your...
The CI/CD solution is flexible enough to deploy many other AWS services, security or otherwise, using Terraform. For a full list of supported services, see HashiCorp’s documentation. Note: This post assumes you’re comfortable with Terraform and its core concepts, such as state management, ...
The script runs a series of terraform commands to create the AMI. Refer to the README file for more information. For instructions on using an AMI, see Use an AMI in the AWS documentation. Delete the AMI If you no longer need the AMI, follow these steps to delete it. Navigate to the...
Make sure that your Terraform environment can assume an administrative IAM role to implement the resources described in this post across your management and delegated administrator accounts. Refer to the next section for a list of resources created by Terraform. See the Terraform documentation on how...
b. 選取部署方法:AWS CloudFormation或Terraform。 注意 如果您選取 [管理帳戶]以建立針對管理帳戶的連接器,則 UI 將不會顯示使用 Terraform 進行上線的索引標籤,但您仍然可以使用 Terraform 進行上線,這與在使用 Terraform 將 AWS/GCP 環境上線至適用於雲端的 Microsoft Defender - Microsoft 社群中樞(英文) 中涵蓋的...
resource"aws_cloudwatch_log_group""main"{name="my_va_loggroup_for_testing"retention_in_days=10tags=var.tags} I'd like to talk about Google OIDC variables before we get into Terraform variables for our resources. I couldn't find any documentation about the correct se...