Service Principal创建好之后,按照官网参考文档,在provider.tf文件里,就可以配置provider azurerm的相关信息了,整个项目文件结构如下: PS C:\lab\dev>tre...
Azure 登陸區域 Terraform 模組會發佈至官方Terraform 登錄,並由 HashiCorp 驗證。 從Terraform Registry 部署模組提供: 在您的環境中加速傳遞 Azure 登陸區域。 最新版模組的已測試升級路徑,以及嚴格的版本控制。 使用模組的優點 使用Azure 登陸區域 Terraform 模組的優點包括: ...
不同的平台各自有其对应的Terraform provider插件,比如Azure使用的provider插件叫azurerm,阿里云使用的provider叫做alicloud,K8S使用的provider叫做kubernetes等等(更多的Terraform Provider信息可以在其官网Terraform Registry找到),而我们本文要讲的思科的IOS-XE交换机使用的provider叫做ios-xe。
terraform { required_providers { azurerm = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "~>2.0" } azuread = { source = "hashicorp/azuread" } } } provider "azurerm" { features {} } 建立名為 的檔案,並插入下列程式碼: Terraform 複製 resource "azurerm_resource_group" "sigrg"...
从Terraform Registry 部署模块可以: 在环境中加速交付 Azure 登陆区域。 提供最新模块版本的已测试升级路径,以及严格的版本控制。 使用模块的好处 使用Azure 登陆区域 Terraform 模块的好处包括: 通过管理组的订阅组织的托管和可扩展核心资源层次结构。 通过Azure 标识和访问管理 (IAM) 控件提供可缩放...
azurerm_app_service_certificate - key_vault_secret_id can now be versionless (#27537) azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - prevent crash when auto_upgrade_minor_version_enabled is nil (#27353) azurerm_role_assignment - correctly parse ID when it's a root or provider scope (#27237...
Using the Provider You can simply consume the provider from the Terraform registry from the following URL:, then add it in your provider declaration as follow: terraform { required_providers { azurecaf = { source = "aztfmod/azure...
azurerm = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "~> 3.0.2" } } required_version = ">= 1.1.0" } provider "azurerm" { environment = "china" subscription_id = "7b431969-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxcc80cd" client_id = "8a68b25xxxxxxxxxxxxxx75bb87700" ...
Terraform Azure DevOps provider. Contribute to microsoft/terraform-provider-azuredevops development by creating an account on GitHub.
In the last month alone, we added support for Azure Container Instances and Azure Event Grid to the Terraform provider. Today at HashiConf, I announced native Terraform support built-in to the Azure Cloud Shell. I also announced 8 verified Azure Modules as part of the Terraform Module ...