第一种方式:Azure Provider: Authenticating using the Azure CLI 这个比较直接,首先你需要安装AzureCLI,然后运行: PS C:\lab> az login 然后会跳出来一个网页,输入你的用户名密码即可,然后你就可以愉快的使用Terraform和Azure了,你登录Azure的相关信息以及缓存到你本地电脑上了。所以这种方式最简单,也不用在Terraf...
访问Azure 中的资源需要使用 Azure 的 provider,即这里的 "azurerm"。这里没有把访问 azure 的认证信息写进来,还是以前文《Terraform 简介》中设置环境变量的方式来提供认证信息。 创建Resource Group 下面的配置文件在 eastasia 的数据中心创建名称为 NickResourceGroup 的 Resource Group: resource"azurerm_resource_g...
terraform { required_providers { azurerm = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "~>3.0" } random = { source = "hashicorp/random" version = "~>3.0" } } } provider "azurerm" { features {} } 创建名为 main.tf 的文件并插入下列代码: Terraform 复制 resource "random_pet" "rg_...
location = azurerm_resource_group.qs101.location resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.qs101.name sku = "Standard" capacity = 2 } 4、创建名为 variables.tf 的文件并插入下列代码: variable"resource_group_location"{type=stringdefault="eastus"description="Location of the resource group."}v...
# Configure the Azure provider provider"azurerm"{ # The"feature"block is required for AzureRM provider 2.x. # If you're using version 1.x, the"features"block is not allowed. version ="~>2.0"features {} } resource"azurerm_resource_group""slotDemo"{ name ="slotDemoResourceGroup"locat...
azurerm = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "~> 3.0.2" } } required_version = ">= 1.1.0" } provider "azurerm" { environment = "china" subscription_id = "7b431969-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxcc80cd" client_id = "8a68b25xxxxxxxxxxxxxx75bb87700" ...
Terraform Provider for Azure (Resource Manager) The AzureRM Terraform Provider allows managing resources within Azure Resource Manager. When using version 3.0 of the AzureRM Provider we recommend using Terraform 1.x (the latest version can be found here). Whilst older versions of Terraform Core (...
创建Azure 机器学习工作区或工作区使用的资源时,可能会收到类似于以下消息的错误:No registered resource provider found for location {location} The subscription is not registered to use namespace {resource-provider-namespace}大多数资源提供程序会自动注册,但并非全部。 如果收到此消息,则需要注册所提到的提供...
output"resource_group_name"{ value = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name }output"azurerm_cognitive_account_name"{ value = azurerm_cognitive_account.cognitive_service.name } 建立名為providers.tf的檔案,並插入下列程式碼: Terraform terraform{ required_version =">=1.0"required_providers { azurerm = { ...
资源Azure 资源类型Terraform 资源类型 资源组Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroupsazurerm_resource_group 虚拟WANMicrosoft.Network/virtualWansazurerm_virtual_wan 虚拟中心Microsoft.Network/virtualHubsazurerm_virtual_hub Express Route 网关Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGatewaysazurerm_express_route_gateway...