sha*_*ako 1 foreach if-statement terraform terraform-provider-azure 当我试图让我的 terraform 代码更加动态时,我遇到了问题。请重点关注“vm2”配置。\n 1. 工作场景\n 在我的 中我有:\n vms_configurations = {\n "vm1" = {\n size = "Standard_E4ds_v5"\n vm_backup_policy_...
Terraform 与 Yaml 相比一大优势就是具有一定的编程能力,可以实现字符串插值、有限的函数调用、利用count、for_each实现的有限的if for能力,这种编程能力也使得 Terraform 代码的实现本身可能蕴含 bug。以 CloudPosse 编写的一个 Terraform Module 中一段代码为例: locals { default_labels_as_tags = keys(local.tags...
If you forget, other commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary. 创建执行计划,并预览变更。 terraform plan 执行以下命令,创建集群。 terraform apply 在执行过程中,根据提示输入yes并按下Enter键,等待命令执行完成,若出现以下信息,则表示ACK集群创建成功。 Do you want to perform these ...
public static void main(String[] args) { /*普通代码块: *直接定义在在方法或语句中出现”...
If you forget, other commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary. 创建执行计划,并预览变更。 terraform plan 执行以下命令,创建集群。 terraform apply 在执行过程中,根据提示输入yes并按下Enter键,等待命令执行完成,若出现以下信息,则表示ACK集群创建成功。 Do you want to perform these ...
ref=v11.0" hostname = "my-docker-host" ssh_private_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa" # if you use shared Terraform state, consider changing this to something that doesn't depend on "~" ssh_public_key_path = "~/.ssh/" allow_incoming_http = true # by default, only ...
Terraform Module: Amazon EKS. Contribute to Young-ook/terraform-aws-eks development by creating an account on GitHub.
Even if we don't add an explicit statement to this document, we intend that any non-experimental features added in later v1.x releases will remain compatible at least through the remainder of the v1.x series, unless otherwise stated. ...
If you already have Adobe reader installed, then clicking on the link will download and open the PDF file directly. If you don't, then save the PDF file on your machine and download the Reader to view it. Please Note: Packt eBooks are non-returnable and non-refundable. Packt eBook and...
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary. 执行如下命令,开通容器服务ACK。 terraform apply 在执行过程中,根据提示输入yes并按下Enter键,等待命令执行完成,若出现以下信息,则表示容器服务ACK开通成功。 You can apply this plan to save these new output values to the Terraform state, ...