if you use shared Terraform state, consider changing this to something that doesn't depend on "~" ssh_public_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" allow_incoming_http = true # by default, only incoming SSH is allowed; other protocols for the security group are opt-in } output "host_ssh_...
Use the count attribute with a conditional statement and set the count equal to 0 if the statement is false, or 1 if it is true, this will cause Terraform to ignore the resource unless it is "on" or count = 1. Count can't be used with for_each, in which case if the for_each ...
Support for the "Removed" block has been added. Now automatically adds comment markers when a new line is inserted within a comment block. HCL syntax checks improved. Added support for the lifecycle meta-argument. 2023.3 Support for import block Support for loop that produces objects Completion...
The tool for deployment will be Azure Cloud Shell which means you need an Internet browser.Update Terraform if neededOccasionally, Terraform versions in Cloud Shell might be outdated. To update, type the commands below.Terraform Kopiatu terraform # Identify the Terraform version that is ...
New Resource: alicloud_brain_industrial_pid_loop (#3252) Data Source: alicloud_brain_industrial_pid_loops (#3252) Data Source: alicloud_maxcompute_service (#3304) Data Source: alicloud_cloud_storage_gateway_service (#3308) Data Source: alicloud_ecs_auoto_snapshot_policies (#3309) IMPROVEMENT...
I have the exactly same problem. I tried to reorder, change the keys, remove the trailing forwardslash (/32,/20, etc) and i cant match the cloudflare IP sorting criteria. I use a dynamic statement to pull values from a local map formatted like yours, too. :( ...
When you run terragrunt with remote_state configuration, it will automatically create the following resources if they don't already exist:S3 bucket: If you are using the S3 backend for remote state storage and the bucket you specify in remote_state.config doesn't already exist, Terragrunt will...
Current Terraform Version Terraform v0.12.6dev Use-cases While I found some examples on how to produce a list of maps, I am currently failing at producing a map of maps with a nested for loop. How would you go about producing: Outputs: a...
if you want to "call" the module in a loop, you need to add afor_eachline in the module invocation, and in many cases you will have to rewrite your loop entirely so that the values to be computed can be used in a for_each (you will be duplicating the loop logic) ...
Support for the "Removed" block has been added. Now automatically adds comment markers when a new line is inserted within a comment block. HCL syntax checks improved. Added support for the lifecycle meta-argument. 2023.3 Support for import block Support for loop that produces objects Completion...