address_prefixes = [""] }resource"azurerm_public_ip""onprem-pip"{ name ="${local.prefix-onprem}-pip"location = azurerm_resource_group.onprem-vnet-rg.location resource_group_name = ...
resource"azurerm_network_interface_security_group_association""example"{ network_interface_id = network_security_group_id = } 创建存储帐户以进行诊断 由于每个存储帐户必须具有... address_prefix =""}resource"azurerm_virtual_hub_connection""azfw_vwan_hub_connection"{ name ="hub-to-spoke"virtual_hub_id = remote_virtual_network_id = internet_...
# 7-Create VNet Interface Card resource "azurerm_network_interface" "myterraformnic" { name = "myNIC" location = "eastus" resource_group_name = ip_configuration { name = "myNicConfiguration" subnet_id = azurerm...
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Explain Azure managed disks Network What's an Azure region? What is the N-tier architecture? Storage What storage options Azure supports? Security What is the Azure Security Center? What are some of its features? It's a monitoring service that provides threat protection across all of the ser...
resource/aws_glue_connection: Add AZURECOSMOS, AZURESQL, BIGQUERY, OPENSEARCH, and SNOWFLAKE as valid values for the connection_type argument and SparkProperties as a valid value for the connection_properties argument (#37731) resource/aws_iam_role: Change from partial resource creation to resource...
How to dissociate a static public IP/network interface or both of it from a VM and attach it to another VM usingterraforminMS Azurejust like an Elastic IP in AWS? If azure terraform does not works, azure CLI is also feasible. I was only able to find a way to detach ...
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