terraform { required_providers { azurerm = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "~>2.0" } azuread = { source = "hashicorp/azuread" } } } provider "azurerm" { features {} } 创建名为 main.tf 的文件并插入下列代码: Terraform 复制 resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "vnet" { ...
在Terraform 中开始使用 Azure Virtual Network Manager 预配所有虚拟网络的连接。 在本快速入门中,部署三个虚拟网络,并使用 Azure Virtual Network Manager 创建网格网络拓扑。 然后验证是否应用了连接配置。 可以从具有订阅范围或管理组范围的部署中进行选择。 详细了解网络管理器范围。
azurerm_virtual_network.hub-vnet.name address_prefixes = [""] } resource "azurerm_subnet" "hub-dmz" { name = "dmz" resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.hub-vnet-rg.name virtual_network_name = azurerm_virtual_network.hub-vnet.name address_prefixes = ["
azurerm_virtual_network.onprem-vnet.name address_prefixes = [""] }resource"azurerm_public_ip""onprem-pip"{ name ="${local.prefix-onprem}-pip"location = azurerm_resource_group.onprem-vnet-rg.location resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.onprem-vnet-rg.name ...
This module will create a linux virtual machine, a network interface and associates the network interface to the target subnet. Optionally one or more data disks and a public ip can be created and additional network interfaces. Usage It's very easy to use! provider "azurerm" { features {}...
virtual_network.name) = { subscription_id = data.azurerm_client_config.current.subscription_id resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name } } } module "openai_private_endpoint" { source = "./modules/private_endpoint" name = "${module.openai.name}PrivateEndpoint" location = var....
and Azure Event Grid to the Terraform provider. Today at HashiConf, I announced native Terraform support built-in to the Azure Cloud Shell. I also announced 8 verified Azure Modules as part of theTerraform Module Registry launch. Now is a great time for you to try Terraform on Azure. ...
and Azure Event Grid to the Terraform provider. Today at HashiConf, I announced native Terraform support built-in to the Azure Cloud Shell. I also announced 8 verified Azure Modules as part of theTerraform Module Registry launch. Now is a great time for you to try Terraform on Azure. ...
Sometimes you create a server in Azure and only find out afterwards you need to change the Virtual Network is resides in. Let's look at how to Move Azure VM to a new Virtual Network Subnet using Terraform","body":"\n Introduction\n ...
subnet_id = "${module.my_vpc.private_subnets[0]}" tags = { Terraform = "true" Environment = "dev" } } 2. Azure例子 这个例子是在Azure 环境创建 vnet 和 subnet,本来可以写得很简单,通过例子理清思路,把逻辑链条搞清楚。 2.1 目录结构: ...