export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=<您的 AWS ACCOUNT ID> export AWS_REGION=<您的 AWS REGION> 创建bootstrap 存储桶 Bootstrap 存储桶用于保存部署 Terraform Reference Engine 过程中所需的中间结果。Terraform Reference Engine 开源项目中包含了一个名为 cfn-templates/Bootstrap.yaml 的 CloudFormation 模板,...
为了减轻数据应用代码增改给双方带来的额外压力,本文通过一个案例入手,优化数据应用增改及部署过程中的关键流程:数据开发团队通过接口化的形式调用相应Terraform module,配合AWS CodePipeline或EventBridge驱动的事件模式来实现CI/CD流水线。 此案例中,云运维团队负责IaC模块的...
旧值存储在 S AWS ecrets Manager 中。 机密名称的格式为Account_<account ID>_User_<username>_AccessKey。 您在admin_email_address参数中指定的用户会收到一封有关密钥轮换的电子邮件通知。 DevOps 工程师扩展解决方案 任务描述所需技能 自定义电子邮件通知日期。
安装AWS CLI 拥有AWS account 和associated credentials 完成上述步骤后,执行以下命令,验证环境配置的正确性: $ terraform -help Usage:terraform [-version] [-help] [args] The available commands for execution are listed below. The most common, useful commands are shown first, followed by less common...
配置aws account key/secret Option 1: Export AWS access and security to environment variables export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxx Option 2: Add a profile to your AWS credentials file aws configure # or vim ~/.aws/credentials[default] ...
account provider "aws" { region = "us-east-1" alias = "replica" assume_role { role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::<replica-account-id>:role/<role-name>" session_name = "terraform-session" } } # Primary Amazon RDS database resource "aws_db_instance" "primary" { provider = aws.primary # ...
Valid values are an AWS account ID, 'self' (the current account), or an AWS owner alias (e.g. 'amazon', 'aws-marketplace', 'microsoft'). string "amazon" no worker_ami_owner_id_windows The ID of the owner for the AMI to use for the AWS EKS Windows workers. Valid values are ...
要将AWS 虚拟机连接到 Azure Arc,需要一个被分配了“参与者”角色的 Azure 服务主体。 要创建此角色,请登录 Azure 帐户并运行以下命令: 控制台 az login az account set -s <Your Subscription ID> az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "<Unique SP Name>" --role contributor --scopes "/subscriptions...
luminate_aws_account_id -luminate AWS account ID aws_external_id -the integration AWS external ID Integration Bind resource Resource: luminate_aws_integration Provides secure access cloud aws_integration resource Example Usage The following arguments are supported: ...