3、aws-alb-controller子模块:默认集群是没有alb controller,如果发布服务使用ingress需要安装aws alb controller,该模块调用aws iam role和helm及k8s provider创建安装aws alb controller需要的 iam role及service account并用helm安装驱动; root模块 root目录下main.tf文件调用三个子模块相互合作,共通完成vpc、eks集群创...
In the Management account, the Terraform module implements an IAM role and EventBridge rule attached to the Default event bus. The rule consists of a cross-account event trigger that invokes the Lambda function in your delegated account when a new account is added to your AWS Organizations. When...
module "production_www" { source = "git::https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-route53-alias.git?ref=master" aliases = ["www.example.com.", "static1.cdn.example.com.", "static2.cdn.example.com"] parent_zone_id = "${var.parent_zone_id}" target_dns_name = "${aws_elb....
account_id− 您要将解决方案部署到的AWS账号。 aws_region− 您要将解决方案部署到的AWS区域。 vpc_name− 您的VPC基础架构的名称。 kms_key_alias− EC2 Image Builder 基础设施配置要使用的AWSKMS密钥名称。 ec2_iam_role_name− 将用作EC2实例配置文件的角...
provider "aws" { region = "eu-west-2" } data "aws_kms_alias" "s3" { name = "alias/accelerator/kms/s3/key" } data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {} resource "aws_s3_bucket" "this" { bucket = "bucket-${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}" ...
admin_user_secret_kms_key_id Amazon Web Services KMS key identifier is the key ARN, key ID, alias ARN, or alias name for the KMS key.To use a KMS key in a different Amazon Web Services account, specify the key ARN or alias ARN.If not specified, the default KMS key for your Amazon...
First, ensure you have configured your AWS CLI to use the correct AWS account and a region that supports EKS. If not, run the following: # Visit https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#/security_credentials for creating access keysaws configure ...
我正在使用terraform在aws中创建一个web-acl,并希望将该web-acl与CloudFront发行版相关联。所以,我的代码是这样的: alias = "east1"} WAF_SCOPE = " 浏览9提问于2021-03-04得票数 8 回答已采纳 1回答 AWS Beanstalk和IPset 、、、 我正在尝试在我的豆茎环境中设置一个IPSet。: REGIONAL - Key: "Scope"...
alias = "sharedservices" } #Provider for Network Account provider "aws" { region = var.region_name alias = "networking" shared_config_files = ["./config"] profile = "AWSAFTExecution" assume_role { role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${data.aws_ssm_parameter.net...
AWS 连接器 Azure AD B2C Azure Arc 连接的 VMware vSphere Azure Arc 数据 已启用 Azure Arc 的 SCVMM Azure 蓝图 Azure 数据 Azure 数据传输 Azure 数字孪生 Azure FarmBeats Azure Fleet Azure 实验室服务 Azure 大型实例 Azure 负载测试 Azure Playwright 服务 Azure 专用 5G 核心 Azure 预留 Azure Sentinel ...