(1996). TernPLot: an Excel spreadsheet for ternary diagrams. Computers and Geosciences, 22, 697–700Marshall, D., 1996. Ternplot: an excel spreadsheet for ternary diagrams. Comput. Geosci. 22 (6), 697-699.Marshall D: TernPlot: An Excel spreadsheet for ternary dia- grams. Computers & ...
同时还拥有剪贴簿的强大功能,并具有Curve Fitting功能,文字可用上下标数学符号,资料输入可用Lotus、Excel、ASCII,可使用中文,可以绘制多种图类型,并新增三角图(Ternary Plot)、统计盒型图(Box Whisker Plot)、浮动柱状(Floating Bar
时,发现了一个绘制三元相图(Ternary Plots) 的优质绘图工具-*「Ternary」,不同于ggtern包,其绘制的结果更加美观和整洁,真的是让人一眼就爱上的那种! 01 R语言绘制三元图、RGB空间图 本文介绍基于R语言中的Ternary包,绘制三元图(Ternary Plot)的详细方法;其中,我们就以RGB三色分布图为例来具体介绍。 02 二值...
同时还拥有剪贴簿的强大功能,并具有Curve Fitting功能,文字可用上下标数学符号,资料输入可用Lotus、Excel、ASCII,可使用中文,可以绘制多种图类型,并新增三角图(Ternary Plot)、统计盒型图(Box Whisker Plot)、浮动柱状(Floating Bar
同时还拥有剪贴簿的强大功能,并具有Curve Fitting功能,文字可用上下标数学符号,资料输入可用Lotus、Excel、ASCII,可使用中文,可以绘制多种图类型,并新增三角图(Ternary Plot)、统计盒型图(Box Whisker Plot)、浮动柱状(Floating Bar Chart)、泡泡图(Bubble Plot)、玫瑰图(Rose Diagram)及步阶图(Step Plot)等,是...
The interface in Plot 1.1.1 consists of two windows: a data window and a plot window (Figure 2). The software is not suited for typing in data series, so data must be imported either from atext file created using a spreadsheet program ("txt" file) or ...
The main effects plot also indicates that an increase in the replacement ratio, regardless of type, results in decreased flow. Additionally, in line with previous research, the statistical approach reveals that the addition of SP enhances the workability of the paste. The workability improvement ...